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Reports of Committee on Foreign Relations 1789-1901 Volume 6 pp714-715 300dpi scan (VERY LARGE!)

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and Mr. Robinson, both members of the cabinet that had been just voted out. Others I do not remember.

The Chairman. Were those men chiefly the ones from whom you derived your information of what occurred?

Mr. Moore. Yes.

The Chairman. And what was intended to be done?

Mr. Moore. Yes.

The Chairman. That the Queen had signed the new constitution, or intended to do so?

Mr. Moore. Intended to do so. The rumor was that she had proclaimed a new constitution; but the fact was that she intended to do so.

The Chairman. How long did you remain ashore?

Mr. Moore. Until 7 o'clock the next morning.

The Chairman. You remained during the night?

Mr. Moore. I remained during the night, not in that part, but out of the thickest part of the town, where I then had a cottage.

The Chairman. Was your family there?

Mr. Moore. My wife was residing there at that time.

The Chairman. How long had your family resided in Honolulu?

Mr. Moore. Three months and a half at that time.

The Chairman. Were there any patrols, or bodies of men moving about in your part of the town that night?

Mr. Moore. I saw and heard of none.

The Chairman. Did you feel any apprehension during the night of incendiary fires?

Mr. Moore. Not at that time.

The Chairman. You reported back to the ship the next morning.

Mr. Moore. The next morning, the morning of the 15th.

The Chairman. Did you visit the shore after that?

Mr. Moore. I did; went ashore late in the afternoon of the 15th— sometime during the afternoon of the 15th—and remained until the morning of the 16th.

The Chairman. Spending the night again at your cottage?

Mr. Moore. At my cottage.

The Chairman. When you arrived in Honolulu that Sunday evening, did you find any bodies of armed men in the street?

Mr. Moore. I saw no bodies of armed men in the street then.

The Chairman. Did you know whether there had been any organization at that time of a committee of safety, or any other organization for the protection of the people?

Mr. Moore. There were many rumors flying about, and among the rumors was one that a committee of safety of 13 or 16—a committee of safety of citizens—had been appointed Saturday afternoon, the 14th, and that they were having meetings continually to consult with citizens; and then on Sunday rumors were going about to the effect that there were organized bodies of citizens' troops. But I saw none of them and knew nothing definite. Those rumors were rumors of the reorganization of what was called the old militia—reorganizing the old militia was spoken of generally.

The Chairman. When you got back to the ship on Monday, how long did you remain aboard?

Mr. Moore. I returned to the ship Monday morning between 7 and 8 o'clock, and went ashore that forenoon on duty.

The Chairman. What duty ?

Mr. Moore. Testing compasses—making an examination on shore,


away from any iron or other attraction, of all the ship's compasses. I returned about 12 o'clock. While on shore I saw no one to get any news from but when I returned to the ship I found preparations—I found several rumors had reached the ship, how, I do not just remember and orders had been issued for the officers to remain on board ship until further orders. There was talk of the forces being called upon to land at any time, because it was thought that a riot would break out in Honolulu at any time. But the nature of the riot anticipated I did not know.

The Chairman. Was the ship being put in any preparation for the landing of the forces?

Mr. Moore. Whether it had commenced already I do not know; but if not, it was commenced very soon after my return.

The Chairman. Do you recollect the time that Minister Stevens came on board?

Mr. Moore. It was in the early part of the afternoon; what hour I do not remember.

The Chairman. The preparations for landing the troops had already been made before he came on board?

Mr. Moore. That I can not say; I think some had been. I will say that some preparations had been made.

The Chairman. The orders had been communicated before?

Mr. Moore. Yes; hours before.

The Chairman. Did you have any conversation with Mr. Stevens when became on board?

Mr. Moore. No.

The Chairman. Or hear any between him and Capt. Wiltse?

Mr. Moore. No.

The Chairman. Did you receive orders to go ashore?

Mr. Moore. No; being navigating officer my position was on board ship. I remained there.

The Chairman. Did you remain there during that evening and night?

Mr. Moore. I remained on board ship for ten days or two weeks.

The Chairman. Without going home at all?

Mr. Moore. I remained on board two weeks or more, going home only for a few minutes, perhaps once or twice. On one or two occasions I went up to my home, but returned at once.

Senator Butler. Where was your home?

The Chairman. He had a cottage for his family.

Senator Butler. In Honolulu?

The Chairman. Yes.

Mr. Moore. My home was about a mile from the landing.

The Chairman. During the landing of those troops you had very little opportunity of going home?

Mr. Moore. Very little opportunity. I saw my wife and perhaps some ladies.

The Chairman. Was it on land or on ship that you understood the Provisional Government had been organized?

Mr. Moore. On ship I heard of it.

The Chairman. After you returned on Monday?

Mr. Moore. The Provisional Government was not announced until Tuesday.

The Chairman. You first heard it on board ship?

Mr. Moore. I did.

The Chairman. All the troops had gone before you first heard that?

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