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Reports of Committee on Foreign Relations 1789-1901 Volume 6 pp724-725 300dpi scan (VERY LARGE!)

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The longest stay was about six months. In fact, we were there all the time during the first visit of the King to the United States after he became King. I think he came to the United States shortly after he was elected.

The Chairman. That is, Kalakaua?

Mr. Hobbs. Kalakaua, yes. You might say that we arrived there in the first instance in the Tuscarora in 1874. I think it was just a day after Lunalilo died. We were there when the trouble came up, after Kalakaua was elected King, and had to land our forces at that time to keep the peace. They were on shore, I think, some two weeks, something like that, and then continued our voyage to China on deep sea soundings, in which the ship was engaged at that time.

The Chairman. Who was the American minister at Honolulu at that time?

Mr. Hobbs. Mr. Pierce.

The Chairman. Was it at his request that the troops were sent to Honolulu?

Mr. Hobbs. I so understood it. But on that point I am not certain. That is my recollection.

The Chairman. Was there much commotion amongst the people at that time?

Mr. Hobbs. No; as I remember it it appeared to be a very peaceable kind of riot; it was all quelled within a few minutes after the force landed.

The Chairman. The Hawaiians, as a rule, are not a very riotous people?

Mr. Hobbs. No; they are very docile.

The Chairman. Have you been amongst them enough to form an estimate of their general characteristics?

Mr. Hobbs. So far as I know, they do not care very much for work, so long as they have plenty of poi and fish. They let matters go on so long as the have their poi and fish.

The Chairman. They are not an industrious, enterprising people?

Mr. Hobbs. No; not so in my opinion.

Senator Frye. You are speaking now of the Kanakas?

Mr. Hobbs. Yes.

The Chairman. Would you say that they are a people given to intrigue and conspiracy?

Mr. Hobbs. I should say not.

The Chairman. They are disposed to put up with what is given to them?

Mr. Hobbs. Yes.

The Chairman. During your visit to Hawaii did your hear the subject of annexation to the United States discussed amongst the people there?

Mr. Hobbs. No; I do not think I did.

The Chairman. And more recently, when you were there on the Boston, and before the time you went out to Hilo, what was the condition of the popular mind as to peacefulness and quietude?

Mr. Hobbs. All through that time there appeared to be a good deal of uneasiness among the people, due to the change in the ministry— rather unsettled; did not know what to do. They could not make any engagements ahead. They did not know what was going to happen until what was known as the Wilcox ministry came into power. After that ministry was installed the people had great faith and reliance that their troubles were over, and that that ministry would probably hold


over for two years following the adjournment of the Legislature, which was expected soon; and on the way to Hilo I got that impression from Mr. Stevens, in the conversations which I had with him from time to time, that the present ministry would not be voted ont.

The Chairman. Mr. Stevens was of that opinion, was he?

Mr. Hobbs. Yes; he seemed to be. And after the ministry was thrown out, Capt. Wiltse said to me that he was afraid that would be the result—that they would not stay in.

The Chairman. Did Mr. Stevens go with the Boston on any official business, or was it a pleasure excursion?

Mr. Hobbs. He had never visited the island of Hilo since he had been there, and he went principally to visit that island.

The Chairman. The Boston went out for target practice?

Mr. Hobbs. Yes.

The Chairman. And Mr. Stevens went along as a guest of the officers of the ship?

Mr. Hobbs. Yes.

Senator Frye. Did Mr. Stevens in these conversations with you express himself as pleased with the contentment and prospect of peace, and that it would last until his return home?

Mr. Hobbs. Yes; that was the idea I got from him—that if this ministry was not voted out they would have peace and quiet at least for two years, until this new Legislature came in, which would not be for two years.

The Chairman. Did you gather from Mr. Stevens that that was a satisfactory state of affairs?

Mr. Hobbs. I did, because all the men in that ministry were regarded as very reliable and very highly esteemed. Mr. Wilcox especially was a very wealthy man from Kauai. He was minister of the interior. Mr. Jones was the minister of finance; Cecil Brown was attorney-general, and a half white man; Mark Robinson was minister of foreign affairs.

The Chairman. Is Cecil Brown of American origin?

Mr. Hobbs. Yes, I think he came from Georgetown—I think he came from the District of Columbia. At all events he was at school over in Georgetown, I know, as a young man.

The Chairman. Georgetown College?

Mr. Hobbs. Yes.

Senator Frye. I would like to ask another question. You saw considerable of Mr. Stevens while you were there?

Mr. Hobbs. Yes, a good deal of him.

Senator Frye. What impression did you form of his character?

Mr. Hobbs. I regarded him as an able man in every way. I became very much attached to him, and was at his house frequently.

The Chairman. Your relations with Mr. Stevens were such as might be called confidential?

Mr. Hobbs. I should scarcely say that, although Mr. Stevens was from Maine and I was originally from Maine, and it was a little common amenity between us on that account, perhaps.

Senator Frye. Was Mr. Stevens a man whom you looked upon as inclined to be a filibusterer or inclined to disturb the condition of things at all?

Mr. Hobbs. No; I would not have thought that of him.

The Chairman. I was going to ask you whether you heard anything from Mr. Stevens in the discussion of Hawaiian affairs that led you to suppose he was trying to disrupt that Government, dethrone the

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