Isn't there photographic evidence of the U.S. peacekeepers being aggressive?

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The Ominous Cannon


This photo, taken from, was captioned:

Lili`uokalani is escorted by guards up the steps of the palace, where she was imprisoned after a cache of arms was found in her garden during the counterrevolution of 1895. (Hawai`i State Archives)

As you can plainly see from the image, the cannon in question is actually one of the palace defenses, pointing outward across the front of the palace steps.

It is also a picture from 1895, over a year after the U.S. peacekeepers returned to their ship by the order of Blount.

Mistaken Identities


This photo, taken from, mistakenly identifies the soldiers occupying Iolani Palance as U.S. troops.

The original photo from the University of Hawaii, clearly captions the photo as Provisional Government troops (the Honolulu Rifles).



Although captioned by the Star Bulletin as a "menacing pose", one can clearly see here the U.S. peackeepers drilling off to the left of Aliiolani Hale, across the street from Iolani Palace.

Despite the "menace" presented, it is also worthy to note the civilians casually gathered in the photo as well.