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Adjourned until to-morrow, the 31st instant, at 10 o'clock.
Adjourned until to-morrow, the 31st instant, at 10 o'clock.

Revision as of 00:11, 30 January 2006


The statement is as follows: Rear-Admiral George E. Belknap writes to the Journal the following very interesting letter regarding Hawaiian matters:

To the Editor of the Boston Journal:

"The letter of ex-Minister P.C. Jones, of Hawaii, published in this morning's Journal, is in error in one point.

"He says that 'in 1874 Minister Pierce ordered Capt. Belknap to land a force of marines at Honolulu, which was done.'

"Mr. Pierce gave no order of that character, nor was he empowered to do so by the regulations controlling the intercourse of diplomatic and naval officers on foreign stations. The regulation governing the intercourse of naval commanders with ministers and consuls of the United States at that period was as follows: ' He (the naval commander) will duly consider such information as the ministers and consuls may give him relating to the interests of the United States, but he will not receive orders from them, and he will be responsible to the Secretary of the Navy, in the first place, for his acts.'

"But the undersigned was in thorough accord with Minister Pierce, and, at his request and that of the King-elect, landed the force of bluejackets and marines at Honolulu on the occasion referred to---- 12th February, 1874---- suppressed the riot, restored order throughout the town, and occupied the most important points at that capital for several days, or until assured by the King's ministry that protection was no longer necessary.

"This action was taken, first, for the protection of American citizens and their property; second, because it was deemed imperative for the conservation of the interests of the United States to take decisive action at the Hawaiian capital at such crucial time. The English party, as it was called, had worked and intrigued for the election of Queen Emma to fill the throne made vacant by the death of Lunalilo, while Kalakaua was the candidate favored by most of the Americans at the islands.

"The party favoring the election of Emma were not content to abide the result of the election, for she having been defeated in the legislative assembly by a vote of 39 to 6 her partisans broke forth at once into riotous proceedings. The legislative hall was invaded, some of Kalakaua's adherents in the assembly were clubbed nearly to death, the furniture was destroyed, and the archives thrown into the street. Meanwhile the police had torn off their badges and mingled with the rioters, the Government troops could not be trusted, and the Government was powerless to act.

"At such juncture the request was made to land the force. Trouble had been apprehended, and pre concerted signals had been arranged, and in fifteen minutes from the time the signal was made companies comprising 150 officers, seamen, and marines, together with a Gatling gun, were landed from the Tuscarora and Portsmouth and marched to the scene of action. At the head of the column was a sergeant of marines, whose great height and stalwart proportion seemed to impress the wondering Kanakas more than all the rest of the force. He was some 6 feet 9 inches in height and his imposing appearance on that occasion is among the notable traditions at Honolulu to this day.

"The riot was soon suppressed and order restored. Half an hour after such action a detachment of blue jackets and redcoats was landed from H.B.M. ship Tenedos, but there was nothing left for such force to do. It has been asserted by some credulous people that Great Britain has no eye toward the Hawaiian group, but the English residents


at Honolulu were much chagrined at the tardy action of the Tenedos, and it is a significant fact that her commanding officer was soon relieved, ordered home, and never got another hour's duty from the admiralty. Comment is unnecessary."


"BROOKLINE, December 19, 1893."

Adjourned until to-morrow, the 31st instant, at 10 o'clock.


Senator FRYE: Give your name, age, and residence?

Mr. DELAMATER: My name is Nicholas B. Delamater; I am 47; I live in Chicago, Ill., and I am a physician.

Senator FRYE. Have you ever been in the Hawaiian Islands; if yes, when; how long were you there, and when did you leave?

Mr. DELAMATER: I went there in August, and left this last June.

Senator FRYE. What was your business while in the islands?

Mr. DELAMATER: Rusticating.

Senator FRYE: Did you become familiar with the islands and people while there?

Mr. DELAMATER: Somewhat.

Senator FRYE: Did you, at the request of Senator Cullom, make a written statement of facts that came under your observation while in the islands just before and during the revolutionary proceedings in January, 1893?


Senator FRYE: I purpose reading that statement. During the reading, should you discover anything that you may desire to correct, you may do so:

"There are vast possibilities waiting capital. The coffee industry can be increased more than a hundred fold; the rice, banana, cocoanut vastly increased. Pineapples will in a few years be a large export. They can be raised there with comparatively small capital and quick and large returns, of a very superior quality. Sugar lands enough, yet wild, to supply all comers for many years to come.

"There is a very small fraction of the available lands under cultivation.

"Heretofore everything has gone to sugar on account of the enormous profits in it, the average per acre being from 5 to 10 tons.

"This country is destined to be a very rich one.

"Now, as to the revolution."

The CHAIRMAN: What are the prospects of coffee culture in the Hawaiian group?

Mr. DELAMATER: I judge that they are very good. There are many quite good-sized plats there in between little mountain peaks where they can raise an exceedingly good coffee, and they raise a quality of coffee which one of my friends, a coffee man in Chicago, says is among the best of coffees in the world.

The CHAIRMAN: Is coffee an indigenous plant there?

Mr. DELAMATER: No; I think there is nothing indigenous among those things.

The CHAIRMAN: It is very much like California?