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ISLAND OP MOLOKINI. (Chart E ) A small islet of the island of Maui, which see. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. RAILROADS. There are, according to the Statesman's Tear Book for 1893,56 miles of railway in the islands of Hawaii, Maui, and Oahu. These roads were built principally for the transportation of products from the interior to the seaports. EAILKOADS OF OAHTT. Oahu Railroad. —This line extends from Honolulu, 19 miles, to Ewa plantation; passing around Pearl Lochs, with a branch along the peninsula to Pearl City, and a spur extending into a quarry at Palama. Eoadbed good. It is proposed to run the railroad completely around the island. Depots.—There is an excellent depot at Honolulu; also turntable. Stations, with suitable houses, at intervals along the line. A fine depot, also turntable, exists at Pearl City. Wharfage.—The company's wharf at Honolulu is 60 feet wide and 200 feet long and is ample for present needs. Products can be unloaded directly from cars to vessels and vice versa. Rolling stock, etc.—The rolling stock and equipments are of the most approved and modern style. At the port of Waianae, in northwest portion of Oahu, there are several small railroads, in all about 4 or 5 miles, branching to plantations in the interior and along the coast. About these there are, however, no obtainable data. RAILROADS OF HAWAII. In Hawaii, from Mahukona to the Kohola district, some 15 miles of railroad exist. RAILROADS OF MAUI. In the island Maui a little railway of very narrow gauge now connects Wailuku and Kaluilui. The railway also extends 3 miles further eastward to the sugar mills of the great plantation of Sprecklesville, in all 13 miles. (The distances between these places are given from the overland distance tables in the Hawaiian Annual for 1893.) Data concerning gauge, quantity of rolling stock, etc., as well as reliable maps, are at present unobtainable. RAILROADS OF KAUI. On the island of Kaui there is (according to the Hydrographic Office chart of Waimea Bay) a railroad from "VVaimea village to Kekaha. No details known.

ROADS. There are a few well-constructed roads on the Island of Oahu, leading from Honolulu to places of interest to tourists; but in general the roads on the island are not good, being frequently heavy with sand and muddy in wet districts. No positive information obtainable. TELEGRAPHS. There are telegraphs round the island of Oahu as well as in Hawaii and Maui. Oahu. and Hawaii are connected by telegraphic cable. Total length of telegraphs, 250 miles. TELEPHONES. Telephones are in general use in Honolulu and probably elsewhere on the islands. POSTAL SERVICE. For Hawaiian Islands postal service and post-offices. INTER-ISLAND STEAMERS AND VESSELS. There are 22 coasting steamers plying between the ports of the island, of which 9 belong the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Company, 7 to the Wilder Steamship Company, and the remainder to various private owners. There are also 25 sailing vessels belonging to various firms and owners. There are, besides, 2 steam and 6 sailing merchantmen and traders of Hawaiian register plying between the islands and foreign ports. LEPROSY. In his report to the Hawaiian legislative assembly of 1884, the president of the board of health makes the assertion that " Hawaii has to meet a calamity of widespread disease. * * At least 2 per cent of her entire native population is attacked by a fearful and supposed incurable malady [leprosy], of an exceptioual character, that demands separation and isolation." In the same report it is shown that the appropriation of $90,000, for the segregation and care of lepers, voted in 1882, for the biennial period closing March 31,1884, had fallen short of the demands upon the health authorities. The Hawaiian law has provided for the strict segregation of lepers since 1865, and the district of Kalawao on Molokai, a territory of about 5,000 acres, was selected at that time for the leper settlement. It is asserted that up to 1882 at least, the law requiring segregation was not carried out with vigor, but it is shown that under the partial enforcement of the law during sixteen years prior to June 1, 1882, 2,602 cases, an average of 162-62 cases per year, had been sent to the