Instructions for Editors

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Common navigation

On any given page, there will be some common navigation provided by our Double Page template:

  • A "Previous Page" link
  • A "Next Page" link
  • A "Template:<xxx>-<xxx>" link
  • An image thumbnail

How to create arbitrary page references


To help edit, follow the following procedure:

  1. click on the image thumbnail of the page. This will slightly enlarge the image. Click on the image again, and it should be large enough for you to read. Leave this open in a browser window.
  2. In another browser window, open up the same page, and click on the "Template:<xxx>-<xxx>" link. This will bring you to a page where you can edit the text. Click on the "edit" button at the top to begin editing. Compare the text in the editor with the image from the other window, and make corrections if necessary.

Procedural Notes


In some sections, multiple arabic stars are used (they look a little like asterisks, but instead of 6 points they have 8). Use the following template to render them:

Code Result

In general, these stars occur in groups of two or three. If a asterisk for a footnote has 8 points, use an simple asterisk to render it, not a star. (Usually, the asterisk in the text has 8 points, and the asterisk in the footnote has 6.)

Secondary Footnotes

Those footnotes that use a cross, double cross, or squiggly should use the following code to represent them:

Code Result

Quoted Sections and Letters

Since we are creating blank lines between paragraphs, often the impact of the existing layout, when using a blank line to precede a quote, is lost. To mitigate this, we will indent every paragraph of a quoted section using the following markup:

Code Result
This section introduces the quote:

:This is the first paragraph of the quote.

:This is the second paragraph of the quote.

This is the section following the quote.
This section introduces the quote:
This is the first paragraph of the quote.
This is the second paragraph of the quote.

This is the section following the quote.


To do fractions use the fraction template:

Code Result

Section Breaks

In some cases, the original text has a partial horizontal rule breaking apart sections. For this, use the break template:

Code Result


When trying to put an asterisk down for a footnote without it becoming a bulleted list, use the * template:

Code Result

Page headings & numbers

Remove any "HAWAIIAN ISLANDS." text and page number text when copy editing. For page breaks, indicate them as designated below.

Centered or justified layout

Keep everything left justified - we will not attempt to match layout with the original, since we provide the original images to look at.


Treat each speaker's turn as a separate paragraph, and put one line feed in between:

Code Result
Speaker 1: Says something interesting.

Speaker 2: Says something else.
Speaker 1: Says something interesting.

Speaker 2: Says something else.

Page breaks

To indicate the beginning of a page, use the page template like so:

Code Result


Remove all hyphenated words. If a word is hyphenated across a page ("inter-rupted,", for example), indicate the page break AFTER the word and any immediately following punctuation:

Code Result
interrupted, {{p|xxx}}


Put one line feed between paragraphs

Code Result
This is the end of paragraph 1.

This is the start of paragraph 2.
This is the end of paragraph 1.

This is the start of paragraph 2.


To indicate italics, use two single quotes before and after the words to be italicized

Code Result
''This is italics,'' this is not.
This is italics, this is not.

Single line feeds

In the case where you need a manual line feed, put a break code in:

Code Result
This line is on top of<br/>this one 
This line is on top of
this one

Small text

To indicate text in a smaller font, use the following tags:

Code Result
<small>This is small.</small> This is not.
This is small. This is not.

Bold text

To indicate text in bold, use three single quotes:

Code Result
'''This is bold.''' This is not.
This is bold. This is not.

Small Caps

To indicate text in small caps, use the following template:

Code Result
{{sc|This is in small caps.}} This is not.
This is in small caps. This is not.