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WASHINGTON, D. 0., Monday, February 5,1894.
={{sc|Washington}}, D. C., ''Monday, February 5,1894.''=
Subcommittee met pursuant to notice.
Subcommittee met pursuant to notice.
Present the chairman (Senator Morgan), Senators Gray, Sherman,
and Frye,
Present the chairman (Senator Morgan), Senators  
Gray, Sherman, and
Absent, Senator Butler.
Absent, Senator Butler.
The CHAIRMAN. When did you first visit the Hawaiian Islands?
Mr. SIMPSON. I went to Honolulu on the first ship which left San
Francisco after the Presidential election, and was on the ship that
The {{sc|Chairman.}} When did you first visit the Hawaiian  
carried the news that Mr. Cleveland had been elected. This was in
1892, and I must say that I never witnessed such a public demonstration
as there was when the knowledge was given out that Mr. Cleveland
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} I went to Honolulu on the first ship  
was elected. The wish had been so general that he should be
which left San Francisco
elected that of record there was not more than half a dozen wagers
after the Presidential election, and was on the ship  
that the election would be otherwise. I never saw a community so
that carried the news
bound up in the information which they hoped to receive, that Mr.
that Mr. Cleveland had been elected. This was in  
Cleveland would be elected.
1892, and I must say that
The CHAIRMAN. Was that common to all classes, natives as well as
I never witnessed such a public demonstration as there  
the white people ?
was when the
Mr. SIMPSON. Natives, Germans, English, and Americans. They told
knowledge was given out that Mr. Cleveland was
me afterward that the oldest inhabitants never knew when the wharves
elected. The wish had been
had been so well filled with people as they were upon the arrival of
so general that he should be elected that of record  
that ship, expecting Mr. Cleveland's election. That impressed me as
there was not more than
being a very clear idea of what they wanted down there.
half a dozen wagers that the election would be  
The CHAIRMAN. Was there any satisfactory reason stated that was
otherwise. I never saw a
commonly accepted by this mass of people for their rejoicings at Mr.
community so bound up in the information which they  
Cleveland's election?
hoped to receive, that
Mr. SIMPSON. Yes; and it was acquiesced in by all classes. The
Mr. Cleveland would be elected.
people at that time believed that the action of the MeKinley bill in
placing sugar from all countries on the free list .and placing a bounty
The {{sc|Chairman.}} Was that common to all classes, natives  
of 2 cents a pound on American-grown sugar was an injustice to the
as well as the white
sugar-raisers who are so much Americans that it practically meant
all of them, and those who were not Americans secured their profits
from the business by their proximity to the American market. They
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} Natives, Germans, English, and  
believed it was an injustice, for the reason that, in 1876, when the reciprocity
Americans. They told me
treaty was concluded and put into effect between the United
afterward that the oldest inhabitants never knew when  
States and the Sandwich Islands, it had been done with the direct
the wharves had been
purpose of augmenting the sugar interests of the Americans living in
so well filled with people as they were upon the  
the islands, and the best reasons that I could get for the same favor not
arrival of that ship,
being shown them when the MeKinley bill was put into effect was that
expecting Mr. Cleveland's election. That impressed me  
the matter had been overlooked by the framers of the bill.
as being a very clear
The CHAIRMAN. What was the purpose of your visit to Hawaii?
idea of what they wanted down there.
Mr. SIMPSON. In July, 1892, having previously been in the commission
business in Tacoma, it was brought to my attention that the bananas
The {{sc|Chairman.}} Was there any satisfactory reason  
raised in the Hawaiian market would find a much better market in the
stated that was commonly
Northwest if they were brought direct; that in handling the trade the
accepted by this mass of people for their rejoicings  
principal profits were made by the San Francisco jobbers and consumed
at Mr. Cleveland's
by the extra freight! to such an extent that they had been getting their
bananas to the Northwest from New Orleans by rail by the way of San
Francisco. In looking up the matter, and having been commissioned
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} Yes; and it was acquiesced in by all  
by some of the business houses there to go to Honolulu and secure a
classes. The people at
cargo of bananas, I became interested in the subject. I looked the
that time believed that the action of the McKinley
bill in placing sugar
matter up carefully, and from the investigation I had given it I came
from all countries on the free list and placing a  
to the conclusion that there was a splendid market for the merchants
bounty of 2 cents a pound
and farmers in the Hawaiian Islands. I found that nearly all the
on American-grown sugar was an injustice to the  
bananas that were raised were shipped to San Francisco and reshipped
sugar-raisers who are so
by the Sau Francisco trader with the Hawaiian Islands. So I collected
much Americans that it practically meant all of them,  
considerable data, compiled it
and those who were not
The CHAIRMAN. Were your observations confined to the banana
Americans secured their profits from the business by  
their proximity to the
Mr. SIMPSON. NO; confined to all lines of trade. I immediately
American market. They believed it was an injustice,  
organized a company for the purpose of running a steamship from
for the reason that, in
Tacoma, in the State of Washington, to Honolulu. When the organization
1876, when the reciprocity treaty was concluded and  
of the company was completed the board of directors requested
put into effect between
me to go to Honolulu to see what arrangements couid be made for the
the United States and the Sandwich Islands, it had  
steamship wre hoped to place on the line. Prior to going to Honolulu
been done with the direct
I made a tour of the principal cities of the Northwest and received
purpose of augmenting the sugar interests of the  
orders for 5,000 bunches of bananas per month.
Americans living in the
The CHAIRMAN. You mean the American cities?
islands, and the best reasons that I could get for the  
Mr. SIMPSON. The American cities in the Pacific northwest. That
same favor not being
insured us a profitable cargo coming back. I based my calculations
shown them when the McKinley bill was put into effect  
on the successful operations of the company with freight transportations,
was that the matter
paying no attention to the passenger part of it, because that was
had been overlooked by the framers of the bill.
not staple; you could not depend upon its being a regular thing. I
collected data from the various manufacturers and farmers in the Pacific
The {{sc|Chairman.}} What was the purpose of your visit to  
northwest, and went supplied with samples of all kinds and descriptions
ready to do business with Honolulu. When I got there I immediately
made myself known through letters of introduction from the chambers
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} In July, 1892, having previously been in  
of commerce in Tacoma and Seattle and from the governor of the State
the commission
and various others. A meeting of the chamber of commerce was
business in Tacoma, it was brought to my attention  
arranged, and I appeared before those gentlemen and laid the matter
that the bananas raised
before them. They thought quite favorably of it. The great trouble I
in the Hawaiian market would find a much better market  
had to work against the first week was their lack of knowledge of the
in the Northwest if
Pacific northwest, but they became satisfied that they were buying goods
they were brought direct; that in handling the trade  
in a market that had originated in our country. They entered with considerably
the principal profits
spirit into the scheme. I established an agency with the
were made by the San Francisco jobbers and consumed by
house of C. Prewer & Co., the oldest house doing business in the islands.
the extra freights to
They were very enthusiastic over the matter.
such an extent that they had been getting their  
The CHAIRMAN. I do not care about the present details of your business
bananas to the Northwest
transaction. Did you find the commercial community of Honolulu
from New Orleans by rail by the way of San Francisco.
aroused to an interest in your enterprise?
In looking up the
Mr. SIMPSON. Yes; and that interest was manifested in the orders
matter, and having been commissioned by some of the  
that they gave me. They gave me an order for 1,250 tons of merchandise,
business houses there to
consisting of oats, wheat, and barley.
go to Honolulu and secure a cargo of bananas, I became  
The CHAIRMAN. Did you start your line in operation?
interested in the
Mr. SIMPSON. NO, sir.
subject. I looked the
The CHAIRMAN. What prevented it?
Mr. SIMPSON. The revolution prevented it.
The CHAIRMAN. TO what revolution do you refer?
matter up carefully, and from the investigation I had  
Mr. SIMPSON. The revolution of January 14 to 17, in Honolulu. I left
given it I came to the
the islands on the steamer prior to the revolution. At that time there
conclusion that there was a splendid market for the  
was no intimation that any such thing would take place. For months
merchants and farmers in
the Legislature had been in session. I had become well acquainted with
the Hawaiian Islands. I found that nearly all the  
the leaders on both sides of the question, for the reason that I had made
bananas that were raised
application to the Legislature for a subsidy.
were shipped to San Francisco and reshipped by the San
The CHAIRMAN. Did you succeed in getting it?
Francisco trader with
Mr. SIMPSON. Yes. The subsidy consisting of $500 per trip, mail
the Hawaiian Islands. So I collected considerable
contract, remission of all port charges, light-house fees, free wharfage,
data, compiled it----
The {{sc|Chairman.}} Were your observations confined to the  
banana trade?
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} No; confined to all lines of trade. I  
immediately organized a
company for the purpose of running a steamship from  
Tacoma, in the State of
Washington, to Honolulu.   When the organization of
the company was
completed the board of directors requested me to go to  
Honolulu to see what
arrangements could be made for the steamship we hoped  
to place on the line.
Prior to going to Honolulu I made a tour of the  
principal cities of the
Northwest and received orders for 5,000 bunches of  
bananas per month.
The {{sc|Chairman.}} You mean the American cities?
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} The American cities in the Pacific  
northwest. That insured us
a profitable cargo coming back. I based my  
calculations on the successful
operations of the company with freight  
transportations, paying no attention
to the passenger part of it, because that was not
staple; you could not
depend upon its being a regular thing. I collected
data from the various
manufacturers and farmers in the Pacific northwest,  
and went supplied with
samples of all kinds and descriptions ready to do  
business with Honolulu.
When I got there I immediately made myself known  
through letters of
introduction from the chambers of commerce in Tacoma  
and Seattle and from
the governor of the State and various others. A  
meeting of the chamber of
commerce was arranged, and I appeared before those  
gentlemen and laid the
matter before them. They thought quite favorably of  
it. The great trouble I
had to work against the first week was their lack of  
knowledge of the
Pacific northwest, but they became satisfied that they  
were buying goods in
a market that had originated in our country. They  
entered with considerably
spirit into the scheme.   I established an agency with  
the house of C.
Brewer & Co., the oldest house doing business in the  
islands. They were
very enthusiastic over the matter.
The {{sc|Chairman.}} I do not care about the present details  
of your business
transaction. Did you find the commercial community of  
Honolulu aroused to an
interest in your enterprise?
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} Yes; and that interest was manifested in  
the orders that they
gave me. They gave me an order for 1,250 tons of  
merchandise, consisting of
oats, wheat, and barley.
The {{sc|Chairman.}} Did you start your line in operation?
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} No, sir.
The {{sc|Chairman.}} What prevented it?
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} The revolution prevented it.
The {{sc|Chairman.}} To what revolution do you refer?
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} The revolution of January 14 to 17, in  
Honolulu. I left the
islands on the steamer prior to the revolution. At  
that time there was no
intimation that any such thing would take place. For  
months the Legislature
had been in session. I had become well acquainted  
with the leaders on both
sides of the question, for the reason that I had made  
application to the
Legislature for a subsidy.
The {{sc|Chairman.}} Did you succeed in getting it?
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} Yes. The subsidy consisting of $500 per  
trip, mail contract,
remission of all port charges, light-house fees, free  

Latest revision as of 01:00, 11 February 2006


Washington, D. C., Monday, February 5,1894.

Subcommittee met pursuant to notice.

Present the chairman (Senator Morgan), Senators Gray, Sherman, and Frye,

Absent, Senator Butler.


The Chairman. When did you first visit the Hawaiian Islands?

Mr. Simpson. I went to Honolulu on the first ship which left San Francisco after the Presidential election, and was on the ship that carried the news that Mr. Cleveland had been elected. This was in 1892, and I must say that I never witnessed such a public demonstration as there was when the knowledge was given out that Mr. Cleveland was elected. The wish had been so general that he should be elected that of record there was not more than half a dozen wagers that the election would be otherwise. I never saw a community so bound up in the information which they hoped to receive, that Mr. Cleveland would be elected.

The Chairman. Was that common to all classes, natives as well as the white people?

Mr. Simpson. Natives, Germans, English, and Americans. They told me afterward that the oldest inhabitants never knew when the wharves had been so well filled with people as they were upon the arrival of that ship, expecting Mr. Cleveland's election. That impressed me as being a very clear idea of what they wanted down there.

The Chairman. Was there any satisfactory reason stated that was commonly accepted by this mass of people for their rejoicings at Mr. Cleveland's election?

Mr. Simpson. Yes; and it was acquiesced in by all classes. The people at that time believed that the action of the McKinley bill in placing sugar from all countries on the free list and placing a bounty of 2 cents a pound on American-grown sugar was an injustice to the sugar-raisers who are so much Americans that it practically meant all of them, and those who were not Americans secured their profits from the business by their proximity to the American market. They believed it was an injustice, for the reason that, in 1876, when the reciprocity treaty was concluded and put into effect between the United States and the Sandwich Islands, it had been done with the direct purpose of augmenting the sugar interests of the Americans living in the islands, and the best reasons that I could get for the same favor not being shown them when the McKinley bill was put into effect was that the matter had been overlooked by the framers of the bill.

The Chairman. What was the purpose of your visit to Hawaii?

Mr. Simpson. In July, 1892, having previously been in the commission business in Tacoma, it was brought to my attention that the bananas raised in the Hawaiian market would find a much better market in the Northwest if they were brought direct; that in handling the trade the principal profits were made by the San Francisco jobbers and consumed by the extra freights to such an extent that they had been getting their bananas to the Northwest from New Orleans by rail by the way of San Francisco. In looking up the matter, and having been commissioned by some of the business houses there to go to Honolulu and secure a cargo of bananas, I became interested in the subject. I looked the


matter up carefully, and from the investigation I had given it I came to the conclusion that there was a splendid market for the merchants and farmers in the Hawaiian Islands. I found that nearly all the bananas that were raised were shipped to San Francisco and reshipped by the San Francisco trader with the Hawaiian Islands. So I collected considerable data, compiled it----

The Chairman. Were your observations confined to the banana trade?

Mr. Simpson. No; confined to all lines of trade. I immediately organized a company for the purpose of running a steamship from Tacoma, in the State of Washington, to Honolulu. When the organization of the company was completed the board of directors requested me to go to Honolulu to see what arrangements could be made for the steamship we hoped to place on the line. Prior to going to Honolulu I made a tour of the principal cities of the Northwest and received orders for 5,000 bunches of bananas per month.

The Chairman. You mean the American cities?

Mr. Simpson. The American cities in the Pacific northwest. That insured us a profitable cargo coming back. I based my calculations on the successful operations of the company with freight transportations, paying no attention to the passenger part of it, because that was not staple; you could not depend upon its being a regular thing. I collected data from the various manufacturers and farmers in the Pacific northwest, and went supplied with samples of all kinds and descriptions ready to do business with Honolulu. When I got there I immediately made myself known through letters of introduction from the chambers of commerce in Tacoma and Seattle and from the governor of the State and various others. A meeting of the chamber of commerce was arranged, and I appeared before those gentlemen and laid the matter before them. They thought quite favorably of it. The great trouble I had to work against the first week was their lack of knowledge of the Pacific northwest, but they became satisfied that they were buying goods in a market that had originated in our country. They entered with considerably spirit into the scheme. I established an agency with the house of C. Brewer & Co., the oldest house doing business in the islands. They were very enthusiastic over the matter.

The Chairman. I do not care about the present details of your business transaction. Did you find the commercial community of Honolulu aroused to an interest in your enterprise?

Mr. Simpson. Yes; and that interest was manifested in the orders that they gave me. They gave me an order for 1,250 tons of merchandise, consisting of oats, wheat, and barley.

The Chairman. Did you start your line in operation?

Mr. Simpson. No, sir.

The Chairman. What prevented it?

Mr. Simpson. The revolution prevented it.

The Chairman. To what revolution do you refer?

Mr. Simpson. The revolution of January 14 to 17, in Honolulu. I left the islands on the steamer prior to the revolution. At that time there was no intimation that any such thing would take place. For months the Legislature had been in session. I had become well acquainted with the leaders on both sides of the question, for the reason that I had made application to the Legislature for a subsidy.

The Chairman. Did you succeed in getting it?

Mr. Simpson. Yes. The subsidy consisting of $500 per trip, mail contract, remission of all port charges, light-house fees, free wharfage,