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Senator GRAY. YOU were on those islands, for the reasons that you
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} You were on those islands, for the  
have described, from what date?
reasons that you have
Mr. HOES. From 1893. the 25th of September, 1891, until the 9th of March,
described, from what date?
Senator GRAY. You were there long enough to become very well
acquainted with the residents of the island ami the people, as you have
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} From the 25th of September, 1891, until the  
9th of March, 1893.
Mr. HOES. Yes.
Senator GRAY. Did you ever observe any considerable annexation
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} You were there long enough to become  
sentiment before the emeute of January, 1893?
very well acquainted
Mr. HOES. I observed a very general opinion held by the prominent
with the residents of the island and the people, as  
people there, that annexation was the ultimate solution of the Hawaiian
you have related?
question, but I did not observe any particular sentiment as to when that
event would take place.
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} Yes.  
Senator GRAY. Was that a growing sentiment among the American
population, so called?
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Did you ever observe any considerable  
Mr. HOES. I do not know whether it was growing; it seemed to be
annexation sentiment
generally prevalent.
before the emeute of January, 1893?
Senator GRAY. I mean during the time you were there?
Mr. HOES. Yes.
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I observed a very general opinion held by  
Senator GRAY. Was it understood by you during the Saturday and
the prominent people
Monday and Tuesday, which were the eventful ones in this revolution,
there, that annexation was the ultimate solution of  
there was a movement for annexation?
the Hawaiian question,
Mr. HOES. I do not believe the people knew or cared what it was for,
but I did not observe any particular sentiment as to  
so long as it resulted in the establishment of good government. I
when that event would
believe the people reposed such absolute confidence in the committee
take place.  
of safety that they would follow them through fire and water.
Senator GRAY. What people?
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Was that a growing sentiment among the  
Mr. HOES. I mean the people who desired law and order and good
American population,
so called?  
Senator GRAY. That is the portion that started the Provincial
Government at the time?
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I do not know whether it was growing; it  
Mr. HOES. Yes, the portion th at started it, and subsequently upheld it.
seemed to be generally
Senator GRAY. Was it not a fact, in your own observation, that on
Monday and Tuesday, particularly Tuesday, it was mooted about that
this movement was an annexation movement as a fact?
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} I mean during the time you were there?
Mr. HOES. I have not any recollection that it was.
Senator GRAY. One of the gentlemen who was a member of the
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} Yes.  
committee of safety and was active in the military operations and has
testified before the committee, in stirring up the people, as he was
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Was it understood by you during the  
active in doing, he found that he could not do it until he told them it
Saturday and Monday and
was for annexation to the United States. Have you any knowledge
Tuesday, which were the eventful ones in this  
on that subject?
revolution, there was a
Mr. HOES. I have no recollection of hearing that talked about at
movement for annexation?
that time. The feeling of the people was simply as I have described it.
It was such an intense desire to be rid of royalty, as it had existed and
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I do not believe the people knew or cared  
acted in Hawaii, that any solution would have been accepted if advocated
what it was for, so
by the committee of safety.
long as it resulted in the establishment of good  
Senator GRAY. Did you not understand that the proclamation of the
government. I believe the
Provisional Government declared that it would be established until
people reposed such absolute confidence in the  
annexation should be declared between the islands and the United
committee of safety that they
would follow them through fire and water.
Mr. HOES. I believe it was so expressed, but, I believe the meaning
intended by that phrase
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} What people?
Senator GRAY. DO you not know that Mr. Thurston has always been
an ardent annexationist ?
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I mean the people who desired law and order  
and good government.
Mr. HOES. I have heard Mr. Thurston make a great many addresses
in the Legislature, but I never heard him use a phrase advocating
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} That is the portion that started the  
Provincial Government at
Senator GRAY. Would you expect to hear him in the Legislature?
the time?  
Mr. HOES. The Legislature was made up of a band of honest men on
one side, pitted against an unprincipled rabble on the other. Mr.
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} Yes, the portion that started it, and  
Thurston was never afraid to express his honest convictions at any
subsequently upheld it.
proper time, or in any fitting place, and, had he so chosen, he would
nave been as willing to advocate annexation in the Legislature as upon
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Was it not a fact, in your own  
the public rostrum.
observation, that on Monday
Senator GRAY. Did you expect him to advocate annexation in their
and Tuesday, particularly Tuesday, it was mooted about  
that this movement
was an annexation movement as a fact?
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I have not any recollection that it was.
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} One of the gentlemen who was a member  
of the committee of
safety and was active in the military operations and  
has testified before
the committee, in stirring up the people, as he was  
active in doing, he
found that he could not do it until he told them it  
was for annexation to
the United States. Have you any knowledge on that  
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I have no recollection of hearing that  
talked about at that time.
The feeling of the people was simply as I have  
described it. It was such an
intense desire to be rid of royalty, as it had existed  
and acted in Hawaii,
that any solution would have been accepted if  
advocated by the committee of
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Did you not understand that the  
proclamation of the
Provisional Government declared that it would be  
established until
annexation should be declared between the islands and  
the United States.
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I believe it was so expressed, but, I  
believe the meaning
intended by that phrase----
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Do you not know that Mr. Thurston has  
always been an ardent
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I have heard Mr. Thurston make a great many  
addresses in the
Legislature, but I never heard him use a phrase  
advocating annexation.
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Would you expect to hear him in the  
Mr. HOES. Yes; openly, at the proper time, had he seen fit.
Senator GRAY. Why would he do it?
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} The Legislature was made up of a band of
Mr. HOES. I do not believe that those who might have been in favor
honest men on one side,
of annexation thought the time was ripe for it. That leads me to say
pitted against an unprincipled rabble on the other. 
that, in my opinion, twenty-four hours, or even ten hours previous to
Mr. Thurston was never
the prorogation of that Legislature the idea of annexation as an event
afraid to express his honest convictions at any proper
soon to be consummated never entered the head of any man composing
time, or in any
the present Government and its band of officials, not even Thurston's.
fitting place, and, had he so chosen, he would nave
Senator GRAY. Many things that occurred within the course of the
been as willing to
revolution, so called, so far as its time is concerned, but after the revolution,
advocate annexation in the Legislature as upon the
after the events commenced to shape themselves, did not you
public rostrum.
understand that annexation was apart of it?
Mr. HOES. I did not until the proclamation was read by the Provisional
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Did you expect him to advocate
annexation in their
Senator GRAY. Were you present at the meetings of the committee
of safety?
Mr. HOES. Never.
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} Yes; openly, at the proper time, had he  
Senator GRAY. Were you not consulted by persons who were active
seen fit.
in that revolution?
Mr. HOES. What do you mean by consultation ?
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Why would he do it?
Senator GRAY. AS to their plans.
Mr. HOES. NO ; I was in total ignorance of them.
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I do not believe that those who might have  
Senator GRAY. YOU were not in the movement?
been in favor of
annexation thought the time was ripe for it. That  
Senator GRAY. Did you see Mr. Stevens during those three days?
leads me to say that, in
Mr. HOES. I am unable to say, but very likely I did.
my opinion, twenty-four hours, or even ten hours  
Senator GRAY. But you have no distinct recollection? You could
previous to the prorogation
not say that you saw him at that time?
of that Legislature the idea of annexation as an event  
Mr. HOES. I could not swear to it.
soon to be
Senator GRAY. And you can not speak of your own knowledge of his
consummated never entered the head of any man  
conduct during the period of which 1 have been speaking—three days?
composing the present
Mr. HOES. NO ; if you mean personal knowledge—knowledge that I
Government and its band of officials, not even  
would derive from Mr. Stevens himself.
Senator GRAY. What lawyers call personal knowledge.
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Many things that occurred within the  
course of the
revolution, so called, so far as its time is  
concerned, but after the
revolution, after the events commenced to shape  
themselves, did not you
understand that annexation was a part of it?
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I did not until the proclamation was read  
by the Provisional
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Were you present at the meetings of the  
committee of safety?
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} Never.  
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Were you not consulted by persons who  
were active in that
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} What do you mean by consultation?
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} As to their plans.
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} No; I was in total ignorance of them.
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} You were not in the movement?
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} No.  
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} Did you see Mr. Stevens during those  
three days?
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I am unable to say, but very likely I did.
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} But you have no distinct recollection?
You could not say
that you saw him at that time?
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} I could not swear to it.
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} And you can not speak of your own  
knowledge of his conduct
during the period of which I have been speaking-three
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} No; if you mean personal  
knowledge-knowledge that I would derive
from Mr. Stevens himself.
Senator {{sc|Gray.}} What lawyers call personal knowledge.
Mr. {{sc|Hoes.}} No.  
Adjourned to meet on notice.
Adjourned to meet on notice.

Latest revision as of 00:56, 11 February 2006


Senator Gray. You were on those islands, for the reasons that you have described, from what date?

Mr. Hoes. From the 25th of September, 1891, until the 9th of March, 1893.

Senator Gray. You were there long enough to become very well acquainted with the residents of the island and the people, as you have related?

Mr. Hoes. Yes.

Senator Gray. Did you ever observe any considerable annexation sentiment before the emeute of January, 1893?

Mr. Hoes. I observed a very general opinion held by the prominent people there, that annexation was the ultimate solution of the Hawaiian question, but I did not observe any particular sentiment as to when that event would take place.

Senator Gray. Was that a growing sentiment among the American population, so called?

Mr. Hoes. I do not know whether it was growing; it seemed to be generally prevalent.

Senator Gray. I mean during the time you were there?

Mr. Hoes. Yes.

Senator Gray. Was it understood by you during the Saturday and Monday and Tuesday, which were the eventful ones in this revolution, there was a movement for annexation?

Mr. Hoes. I do not believe the people knew or cared what it was for, so long as it resulted in the establishment of good government. I believe the people reposed such absolute confidence in the committee of safety that they would follow them through fire and water.

Senator Gray. What people?

Mr. Hoes. I mean the people who desired law and order and good government.

Senator Gray. That is the portion that started the Provincial Government at the time?

Mr. Hoes. Yes, the portion that started it, and subsequently upheld it.

Senator Gray. Was it not a fact, in your own observation, that on Monday and Tuesday, particularly Tuesday, it was mooted about that this movement was an annexation movement as a fact?

Mr. Hoes. I have not any recollection that it was.

Senator Gray. One of the gentlemen who was a member of the committee of safety and was active in the military operations and has testified before the committee, in stirring up the people, as he was active in doing, he found that he could not do it until he told them it was for annexation to the United States. Have you any knowledge on that subject?

Mr. Hoes. I have no recollection of hearing that talked about at that time. The feeling of the people was simply as I have described it. It was such an intense desire to be rid of royalty, as it had existed and acted in Hawaii, that any solution would have been accepted if advocated by the committee of safety.

Senator Gray. Did you not understand that the proclamation of the Provisional Government declared that it would be established until annexation should be declared between the islands and the United States.

Mr. Hoes. I believe it was so expressed, but, I believe the meaning intended by that phrase----

Senator Gray. Do you not know that Mr. Thurston has always been an ardent annexationist??


Mr. Hoes. I have heard Mr. Thurston make a great many addresses in the Legislature, but I never heard him use a phrase advocating annexation.

Senator Gray. Would you expect to hear him in the Legislature?

Mr. Hoes. The Legislature was made up of a band of honest men on one side, pitted against an unprincipled rabble on the other. Mr. Thurston was never afraid to express his honest convictions at any proper time, or in any fitting place, and, had he so chosen, he would nave been as willing to advocate annexation in the Legislature as upon the public rostrum.

Senator Gray. Did you expect him to advocate annexation in their Legislature?

Mr. Hoes. Yes; openly, at the proper time, had he seen fit.

Senator Gray. Why would he do it?

Mr. Hoes. I do not believe that those who might have been in favor of annexation thought the time was ripe for it. That leads me to say that, in my opinion, twenty-four hours, or even ten hours previous to the prorogation of that Legislature the idea of annexation as an event soon to be consummated never entered the head of any man composing the present Government and its band of officials, not even Thurston's.

Senator Gray. Many things that occurred within the course of the revolution, so called, so far as its time is concerned, but after the revolution, after the events commenced to shape themselves, did not you understand that annexation was a part of it?

Mr. Hoes. I did not until the proclamation was read by the Provisional Government.

Senator Gray. Were you present at the meetings of the committee of safety?

Mr. Hoes. Never.

Senator Gray. Were you not consulted by persons who were active in that revolution?

Mr. Hoes. What do you mean by consultation?

Senator Gray. As to their plans.

Mr. Hoes. No; I was in total ignorance of them.

Senator Gray. You were not in the movement?

Mr. Hoes. No.

Senator Gray. Did you see Mr. Stevens during those three days?

Mr. Hoes. I am unable to say, but very likely I did.

Senator Gray. But you have no distinct recollection? You could not say that you saw him at that time?

Mr. Hoes. I could not swear to it.

Senator Gray. And you can not speak of your own knowledge of his conduct during the period of which I have been speaking-three days?

Mr. Hoes. No; if you mean personal knowledge-knowledge that I would derive from Mr. Stevens himself.

Senator Gray. What lawyers call personal knowledge.

Mr. Hoes. No.

Adjourned to meet on notice.