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The CHAIRMAN. Commodities, yes; which do not require too rapid
The {{sc|Chairman.}} Commodities, yes; which do not require  
transportation, but one that is cheap and safe, would you not prefer
too rapid
to ship your commodities on a sailing ship if you could save freight by
transportation, but one that is cheap and safe, would  
doing so ?
you not prefer to ship
Mr. SIMPSON. DO you mean, if they were going to the Orient, to take
your commodities on a sailing ship if you could save  
them to Honolulu and then ship them to the Orient ?
freight by doing so??
The CHAIRMAN. Or as a place of refreshment for ships?
Mr. SIMPSON. In that case it undoubtedly would be of great advantage.
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} Do you mean, if they were going to the  
The CHAIRMAN. I do not agree with your assumption that steam
Orient, to take them to
transportation or steam navigation is going to supplant the sail. I
Honolulu and then ship them to the Orient??
think it will be found, after a while, that the supply of coal is so limited,
or the price will be so great, that for the heavier commodities it
The {{sc|Chairman.}} Or as a place of refreshment for ships?
will not be used for transportation and sailing ships will come in
vogue and be an important part of the commerce of the world.
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} In that case it undoubtedly would be of  
Mr. SIMPSON. One reason why I take that ground is, when I was in
great advantage.
Honolulu I saw a bill of lading issued by the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company of goods shipped from London and routed across the Atlantic
The {{sc|Chairman.}} I do not agree with your assumption  
and the United States by the Southern Pacific Railroad Comjjany, and
that steam transportation
from San Francisco to Honolulu by steam navigation. Arbitrary rates
or steam navigation is going to supplant the sail. I  
exist across the American Continent and between San Francisco and
think it will be
Honolulu. The rate fluctuates on the Atlantic according to the displacement
found, after a while, that the supply of coal is so  
of cargo offered, and that transportation was 31 shillings and
limited, or the price
G pence. The same articles taken from New York City to Honolulu
will be so great, that for the heavier commodities it  
overland would cost us in American money $5.30. The same articles
will not be used for
taken in a sailing vessel from London to Honolulu, occupying some eight
transportation and sailing ships will come in vogue
months in time, (and it would be a good trip to make it in eight months),
and be an important part
would cost$4.85, according to the then existing rate. Bow, the persons
of the commerce of the world.
shipping those goods preferred steam across the Atlantic and the American
Continent, over a sailing vessel, from the fact that the money
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} One reason why I take that ground is,  
invested in the cargo in transit would be greater than the cheap rate
when I was in Honolulu I
on the return cargo from Honolulu, except the ship struck there in the
saw a bill of lading issued by the Southern Pacific  
sugar season, when they could get a return cargo to the Pacific coast.
Railroad Company of
There would have to be that difference arranged for.
goods shipped from London and routed across the  
The CHAIRMAN. AS a general proposition, I suppose, it is not to be
Atlantic and the United
disputed that over a long distance the transportation of heavy articles
States by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, and  
of commerce would be cheaper by sail than by steam?
from San Francisco to
Mr. SIMPSON. That was the generally accepted idea, except where
Honolulu by steam navigation. Arbitrary rates exist
you get cheap fuel. The resources of the Pacific Ocean for fuel are
across the American
greater than on the Atlantic. They have three distinct bases of supply
Continent and between San Francisco and Honolulu. The  
where there is an enormous amount of coal. I speak of the Japanese
rate fluctuates on
coal fields, the Australian coal fields, and the coal fields of the Northwestern
the Atlantic according to the displacement of cargo  
Pacific coast. The Japanese coal fields and the Northwest
offered, and that
Pacific Coast fields are almost inexhaustible. An enormous amount
transportation was 31 shillings and 6 pence. The same  
of coal can be produced there. The methods of handling in the
articles taken from
Northwest Pacific coast are very crude in comparison with the manner
New York City to Honolulu overland would cost us in  
the business is handled in well-settled and well-worked coal fields. It
American money $5.30.
is so much in its infancy that it has hardly gone beyond its experimental
The same articles taken in a sailing vessel from  
London to Honolulu,
The CHAIRMAN. AS yet the real value of the coal out there is not
occupying some eight months in time, (and it would be  
known, and can not be known, until they go further down into the seam
a good trip to make it
or vein ?
in eight months), would cost $4.85, according to the  
Mr. SIMPSON. No. Known coal fields are so numerous and known
then existing rate.
deposits are so numerous at this time that it would be a waste of money
Now, the persons shipping those goods preferred steam  
to expend it in finding new fields.
across the Atlantic
The CHAIRMAN. YOU mean in our own country?
and the American Continent, over a sailing vessel,  
from the fact that the
Mr. SIMPSON. In the State of "Washington, I know that to be true.
money invested in the cargo in transit would be  
The CHAIRMAN. Give a general statement of the commercial relations
greater than the cheap rate
between Hawaii and the United States.
on the return cargo from Honolulu, except the ship  
Mr. SIMPSON. The Hawaiian Islands are to the Pacific Coast and to
struck there in the sugar
the country west of the Mississippi River what the West Indies are to
season, when they could get a return cargo to the  
the Atlantic and the country east of the Mississippi River. They
Pacific coast. There
raise and can raise the same products. They are at present nearly
would have to be that difference arranged for.
identical in formation, in methods, and maimer of doing business, and
of articles actually handled. There is, to my mind, no alternative for
The {{sc|Chairman.}} As a general proposition, I suppose, it  
the United States except to provide conditions and manner of doing
is not to be disputed
business with the Sandwich Islands, from the fact that the country
that over a long distance the transportation of heavy  
west of the Missouri River is practically dependent upon those
articles of commerce
islands for the commodities which are raised in the islands, to procure
would be cheaper by sail than by steam?
them at anywhere near the price at which the same commodities are
sold east of the Mississippi Bivfir. In the West Indies sugar, rice,
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} That was the generally accepted idea,  
and the fruit culture is in its infancy, but it will be augmented very
except where you get
fast. The principle article, sugar, is dependent upon the Pacific coast
cheap fuel. The resources of the Pacific Ocean for  
market, so called, and the Pacific coast is compelled to reciprocate.
fuel are greater than on
For this reason sugar raised in Cuba and refined in the Eastern part
the Atlantic. They have three distinct bases of  
of the United States is compelled to pay too great a transportation fee
supply where there is an
to reach the markets of the Pacific coast. Were there no sugar raised
enormous amount of coal. I speak of the Japanese coal
in the Hawaiian Islands the sugar would be received from China and
fields, the
Japan rather than from Cuba, on account of this transportation. The
Australian coal fields, and the coal fields of the  
sugar business is controlled by the American Sugar Trust, of which
Northwestern Pacific
Spreckels and his interest are a part. During the winter of 1892-'93
coast. The Japanese coal fields and the Northwest  
contracts were made by the American Sugar Trust, through Spreckels
Pacific Coast fields are
as agent, for their product of sugar for five years. The stipulations
almost inexhaustible. An enormous amount of coal can  
of that contract are these:
be produced there.
The trust agrees to pay to the grower for sugar laid in San Francisco
The methods of handling in the Northwest Pacific coast  
the same price, that Cuban sugar brings in New York City, less
are very crude in
a quarter of a cent per pound. This quarter of a cent per pound difference
comparison with the manner the business is handled in  
is for the purpose, as claimed by the sugar trust people, to compensate
well-settled and
them for the difference in freight that they would have to pay
well-worked coal fields. It is so much in its infancy  
if they had to take Cuban sugar to the Pacific coast. It is simply a
that it has hardly
subterfuge for the purpose of obtaining the advantage of a quarter of
gone beyond its experimental stage.
a cent per pound. That contract also states that all sugar running in
grade of 96 per cent saccharine shall pay a thirty-second of 1 cent per
The {{sc|Chairman.}} As yet the real value of the coal out  
pound for each degree over 96 per cent saccharine, and a sixth of 1 per
there is not known, and
cent on each degree under 96 per cent saccharine. All the planters in
can not be known, until they go further down into the  
the islands engagedin the sugar business have signed this contract from
seam or vein?
the fact that there is no other outlet. When I was in Honolulu in the
winter of 1892 the growing price of sugar was about $90 per ton. The
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} No. Known coal fields are so numerous  
cause of that was that the previous crop of Cuban sugar had been practically
and known deposits are
a failure, and they were enabled to get a much better price than
so numerous at this time that it would be a waste of  
they are getting at present. The last quotations which I received from
money to expend it in
Honolulu they were paying for Hawaiian sugar laid in San Francisco
finding new fields.
21, almost the lowest price it has ever reached, and which price does
not pay even a small interest on the investment.
The {{sc|Chairman.}} You mean in our own country?
The rice business of the islands is carried on principally by the Chinese
and Japanese. The rice they raise grades with what is known
commercially as No. 1, or as good as any rice in the South Sea Islands
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} In the State of Washington, I know that  
or off South Carolina.
to be true.
The CHAIRMAN. HOW is it raised?
Mr. SIMPSON. By irrigation; different from what it is in the fields
The {{sc|Chairman.}} Give a general statement of the  
in the South.
commercial relations between
Hawaii and the United States.
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} The Hawaiian Islands are to the Pacific  
Coast and to the
country west of the Mississippi River what the West  
Indies are to the
Atlantic and the country east of the Mississippi  
River. They raise and can
raise the same products. They are at present nearly  
identical in formation,
in methods, and manner of doing business, and of
articles actually handled.
There is, to my mind, no alternative for the United  
States except to provide
conditions and manner of doing business with the  
Sandwich Islands, from the
fact that the country west of the Missouri River is  
practically dependent
upon those islands for the commodities which are  
raised in the islands, to
procure them at anywhere near the price at which the  
same commodities are
sold east of the Mississippi River. In the West  
Indies sugar, rice, and the
fruit culture is in its infancy, but it will be  
augmented very fast. The
principle article, sugar, is dependent upon the  
Pacific coast market, so
called, and the Pacific coast is compelled to  
reciprocate.   For this reason
sugar raised in Cuba and refined in the Eastern part  
of the United States is
compelled to pay too great a transportation fee to
reach the markets of the
Pacific coast.   Were there no sugar raised in the  
Hawaiian Islands the
sugar would be received from China and Japan rather  
than from Cuba, on
account of this transportation. The sugar business is  
controlled by the
American Sugar Trust, of which Spreckels and his  
interest are a part.
During the winter of 1892-'93 contracts were made by  
the American Sugar
Trust, through Spreckels as agent, for their product  
of sugar for five
years. The stipulations of that contract are these:
The trust agrees to pay to the grower for sugar  
laid in San Francisco
the same price, that Cuban sugar brings in New York  
City, less a quarter of
a cent per pound. This quarter of a cent per pound  
difference is for the
purpose, as claimed by the sugar trust people, to  
compensate them for the
difference in freight that they would have to pay if
they had to take Cuban
sugar to the Pacific coast. It is simply a  
subterfuge for the purpose of
obtaining the advantage of a quarter of a cent per  
pound. That contract
also states that all sugar running in grade of 96 per  
cent saccharine shall
pay a thirty-second of 1 cent per pound for each  
degree over 96 per cent
saccharine, and a sixth of 1 per cent on each degree  
under 96 per cent
saccharine.   All the planters in the islands engaged
in the sugar business
have signed this contract from the fact that there is  
no other outlet.
When I was in Honolulu in the winter of 1892 the  
growing price of sugar was
about $90 per ton. The cause of that was that the  
previous crop of Cuban
sugar had been practically a failure, and they were  
enabled to get a much
better price than they are getting at present. The  
last quotations which I
received from Honolulu they were paying for Hawaiian  
sugar laid in San
Francisco 2{{fraction|7|8}}, almost the lowest price it has ever  
reached, and which
price does not pay even a small interest on the  
The rice business of the islands is carried on  
principally by the
Chinese and Japanese. The rice they raise grades with  
what is known
commercially as No. 1, or as good as any rice in the  
South Sea Islands or
off South Carolina.
The {{sc|Chairman.}} How is it raised?
Mr. {{sc|Simpson.}} By irrigation; different from what it is  
in the fields in the

Latest revision as of 01:25, 11 February 2006


The Chairman. Commodities, yes; which do not require too rapid transportation, but one that is cheap and safe, would you not prefer to ship your commodities on a sailing ship if you could save freight by doing so??

Mr. Simpson. Do you mean, if they were going to the Orient, to take them to Honolulu and then ship them to the Orient??

The Chairman. Or as a place of refreshment for ships?

Mr. Simpson. In that case it undoubtedly would be of great advantage.

The Chairman. I do not agree with your assumption that steam transportation or steam navigation is going to supplant the sail. I think it will be found, after a while, that the supply of coal is so limited, or the price will be so great, that for the heavier commodities it will not be used for transportation and sailing ships will come in vogue and be an important part of the commerce of the world.

Mr. Simpson. One reason why I take that ground is, when I was in Honolulu I saw a bill of lading issued by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company of goods shipped from London and routed across the Atlantic and the United States by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, and from San Francisco to Honolulu by steam navigation. Arbitrary rates exist across the American Continent and between San Francisco and Honolulu. The rate fluctuates on the Atlantic according to the displacement of cargo offered, and that transportation was 31 shillings and 6 pence. The same articles taken from New York City to Honolulu overland would cost us in American money $5.30. The same articles taken in a sailing vessel from London to Honolulu, occupying some eight months in time, (and it would be a good trip to make it in eight months), would cost $4.85, according to the then existing rate. Now, the persons shipping those goods preferred steam across the Atlantic and the American Continent, over a sailing vessel, from the fact that the money invested in the cargo in transit would be greater than the cheap rate on the return cargo from Honolulu, except the ship struck there in the sugar season, when they could get a return cargo to the Pacific coast. There would have to be that difference arranged for.

The Chairman. As a general proposition, I suppose, it is not to be disputed that over a long distance the transportation of heavy articles of commerce would be cheaper by sail than by steam?

Mr. Simpson. That was the generally accepted idea, except where you get cheap fuel. The resources of the Pacific Ocean for fuel are greater than on the Atlantic. They have three distinct bases of supply where there is an enormous amount of coal. I speak of the Japanese coal fields, the Australian coal fields, and the coal fields of the Northwestern Pacific coast. The Japanese coal fields and the Northwest Pacific Coast fields are almost inexhaustible. An enormous amount of coal can be produced there. The methods of handling in the Northwest Pacific coast are very crude in comparison with the manner the business is handled in well-settled and well-worked coal fields. It is so much in its infancy that it has hardly gone beyond its experimental stage.

The Chairman. As yet the real value of the coal out there is not known, and can not be known, until they go further down into the seam or vein?

Mr. Simpson. No. Known coal fields are so numerous and known deposits are so numerous at this time that it would be a waste of money to expend it in finding new fields.

The Chairman. You mean in our own country?


Mr. Simpson. In the State of Washington, I know that to be true.

The Chairman. Give a general statement of the commercial relations between Hawaii and the United States.

Mr. Simpson. The Hawaiian Islands are to the Pacific Coast and to the country west of the Mississippi River what the West Indies are to the Atlantic and the country east of the Mississippi River. They raise and can raise the same products. They are at present nearly identical in formation, in methods, and manner of doing business, and of articles actually handled. There is, to my mind, no alternative for the United States except to provide conditions and manner of doing business with the Sandwich Islands, from the fact that the country west of the Missouri River is practically dependent upon those islands for the commodities which are raised in the islands, to procure them at anywhere near the price at which the same commodities are sold east of the Mississippi River. In the West Indies sugar, rice, and the fruit culture is in its infancy, but it will be augmented very fast. The principle article, sugar, is dependent upon the Pacific coast market, so called, and the Pacific coast is compelled to reciprocate. For this reason sugar raised in Cuba and refined in the Eastern part of the United States is compelled to pay too great a transportation fee to reach the markets of the Pacific coast. Were there no sugar raised in the Hawaiian Islands the sugar would be received from China and Japan rather than from Cuba, on account of this transportation. The sugar business is controlled by the American Sugar Trust, of which Spreckels and his interest are a part. During the winter of 1892-'93 contracts were made by the American Sugar Trust, through Spreckels as agent, for their product of sugar for five years. The stipulations of that contract are these:

The trust agrees to pay to the grower for sugar laid in San Francisco the same price, that Cuban sugar brings in New York City, less a quarter of a cent per pound. This quarter of a cent per pound difference is for the purpose, as claimed by the sugar trust people, to compensate them for the difference in freight that they would have to pay if they had to take Cuban sugar to the Pacific coast. It is simply a subterfuge for the purpose of obtaining the advantage of a quarter of a cent per pound. That contract also states that all sugar running in grade of 96 per cent saccharine shall pay a thirty-second of 1 cent per pound for each degree over 96 per cent saccharine, and a sixth of 1 per cent on each degree under 96 per cent saccharine. All the planters in the islands engaged in the sugar business have signed this contract from the fact that there is no other outlet. When I was in Honolulu in the winter of 1892 the growing price of sugar was about $90 per ton. The cause of that was that the previous crop of Cuban sugar had been practically a failure, and they were enabled to get a much better price than they are getting at present. The last quotations which I received from Honolulu they were paying for Hawaiian sugar laid in San Francisco 27/8, almost the lowest price it has ever reached, and which price does not pay even a small interest on the investment.

The rice business of the islands is carried on principally by the Chinese and Japanese. The rice they raise grades with what is known commercially as No. 1, or as good as any rice in the South Sea Islands or off South Carolina.

The Chairman. How is it raised?

Mr. Simpson. By irrigation; different from what it is in the fields in the South.