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Reports of Committee on Foreign Relations 1789-1901 Volume 6 pp506-507 300dpi scan (VERY LARGE!)

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"The peopie were thoroughly convinced that the immunity once claimed by chiefs for crimes of their own was at an end by an impartial trial by jury of one of that class in 1840 for the murder of his wife. He, with an accomplice, were both brought in guilty, and suffered the full penalty of the law, death by hanging. The foreigners also began to see that there was some virtue in the courts by a fine imposed upon the English consul for riotous conduct"

"On his way to England Mr. Charlton had fallen in with Lord George Paulet, commanding H. B. M. frigate Carysfort, and by his representations interested his lordship in his views. Simpson had also sent dispatches to the coast of Mexico, which induced Rear-Admiral Thomas to order the Carysfort to Honolulu for the purpose of inquiring into the matter. She arrived on the 10th of February, 1843, before the sale of Charlton's property had taken place. Simpson immediately went on board to concert measures with Lord George, who, from his entire acquiescence in his plans, appears to have been wholly won over at this interview to sustain them. The authorities on shore suspected there was no friendly feeling from the withholding the usual salutes. Mr. Judd, on behalf of the Government, made an official call on board, but was informed he could not be received. Visits from the French and United States consuls were similarly declined. Capt. Paulet addressed the governor, informing him that he wished to confer with the King, who was then absent.

"The King arrived from Maui on the 16th, and on the next day received the following letter and demands from Lord George Paulet:

" ' Oahu, 17th February, 1843.

" 'SlR: In answer to your letter of this day's date, which I have too good an opinion of Your Majesty to allow me to believe ever emanated from yourself, but from your ill-advisers, I have to state that I shall hold no communication whatever with Dr. G. P. Judd, who, it has been satisfactorily proved to me, has been the Punic mover in the unlawful proceedings of your Government against British subjects.

" 'As you have refused me a personal interview I inclose you the demands which I consider it my duty to make upon your Government, with which I demand a compliance at or before 4 o'clock p.m. to-morrow, Saturday; otherwise I shall be obliged to take immediate coercive steps to obtain these measures for my countrymen.

" ' I have the honor to be, your Majesty's most obedient, humble servant,

" 'Captain.

" 'His Majesty KAMEHAMEHA III.

" ' Demands made by the Right Honorable Lord George Paulet, captain, royal navy, commanding H.B.M's. ship Carysfort, upon the King of the Sandwich Islands.

" 'First. The immediate removal, by public advertisement, written in the native and English languages, and signed by the governor of this island and F. W. Thompson, of the attachment placed upon Mr. Charlton's property, the restoration of the land taken by Government for its own use, and really appertaining to Mr. Charlton; and reparation or the heavy loss to which Mr. Charlton's representatives have been


exposed by the oppressive and unjust proceedings of the Sandwich Islands Government.

" 'Second. The immediate acknowledgment of the right of Mr. Simpson to perform the functions delegated to him by Mr. Charlton, namely, those of Her Britannic Majesty's acting consul, until Her Majesty's pleasure be known upon the reasonableness of your objections to him. The acknowledgment of that right and the reparation for the insult offered to Her Majesty, through her acting representative, to be made by a public reception of his commission and the saluting the British flag with twenty-one guns, which number will be returned by Her Britannic Majesty's ship under my command.

" 'Third. A guaranty that no British subject shall in future be subjected to imprisonment in fetters, unless he is accused of a crime which, by the laws of England, would be considered felony.

" 'Fourth. The compliance with a written promise given by King Kamehameha to Capt. Jones, of Her Britannic Majesty's ship Curocoa, that a new and fair trial would be granted in a case brought by Henry Skinner, which promise has been evaded.

" 'Fifth. The immediate adoption of firm steps to arrange the matters in dispute between British subjects and natives of the country, or others residing here, by referring these cases to juries, one-half of whom shall be British subjects, approved by the consul, and all of whom shall declare on oath their freedom from prejudgment upon or interest in the cases brought before them.

" 'Sixth. A direct communication between His Majesty, Kamehameha, and Her Britannic Majesty's acting consul for the immediate settlement of all cases of grievances and complaint on the part of British subjects against the Sandwich Island Government.

" 'Dated on board Her Britannic Majesty's ship Carysfort, at Oahu, this 17th day of February, 1843.

"' Captain'

"Capt. Long, of the U.S.S. Boston, then in port, was informed, by letter, at midnight, of the anticipated attack of the British commander. In the morning the Carysfort was cleared for action, springs put on her cables, and her battery brought to bear upon the town. The English families embarked for security on board a brig in the outer roads. The Americans and other foreigners, having but short notice, placed their funds and papers on board the Boston and other vessels, intending to retreat to them with their families in case of actual hostilities. The town was in a state of great excitement. The dispositions of the chiefs were uncertain, and it was feared that the rabble, taking advantage of the confusion, might pillage the place. Excited by the gross injustice of the demands, the first impulse of the King and his council, in which they were sustained by the indignant feeling of the entire foreign population excepting the few who sided with Simpson, were for energetic measures. Arms were procured and bodies of men began to assemble.

"The common natives, unconscious of the fatal effects of disciplined gunnery, ardently desired to fight the ship. Some supposed they might overpower her crew by numbers in boarding. But peaceful councils at last prevailed. It is in such emergencies that the real influence of the missionaries becomes apparent. The natural desire of chiefs and foreigners was to resist at all hazards; but the entire indoctrination of the mission, animated by the peaceful principles of the gospel, had been of that nature that depends more upon the sword of the

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