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were anxious that the troops should land on account of a fear that the city might be burned and looted, and knowing that the troops were ashore nothing of that kind would take place. On the other hand, there were other members of the committee who felt that if the troops came ashore it would make a changed condition, and we did not know just what the result would be.

The Chairman. Were they apprehensive that if the troops came ashore they would support the Queen, or what were they apprehensive about?

Mr. McCandless. We were absolutely ignorant on that point.

The Chairman. What was the apprehension with regard to the landing of the troops?

Mr. McCandless. We were making such rapid progress with our organization, and the other people so completely cowed, we thought probably it would precipitate a crisis so soon as the troops came ashore, and in a day or two we would be better prepared to resist it than then, and it was between those two ideas the committee was divided.

The Chairman. By precipitating a crisis did you think the troops would attack you?

Senator Frye. The Queen's troops, encouraged by the United States troops?

Mr. McCandless. Yes. We did not know anything about that.

Senator Gray. Was anything said in your meeting on Saturday, after your committee of safety was formed and you had cleared the room, about Mr. Stevens and the United States ship Boston?

Mr. McCandless. Yes; we talked that over.

Senator Gray. So soon as your committee was formed?

Mr. McCandless. Well, its was during the conversation.

The Chairman. On Saturday?

Senator Gray. Yes. Was anything said about the attitude of Mr. Stevens?

Mr. McCandless. It was talked of—what his attitude would be.

Senator Gray. Was anybody deputed to go and see him ?

Mr. McCandless. Yes; I think there was a committee of one or two appointed on Saturday afternoon to have a talk with him, to ascertain what his attitude would be in the then crisis.

Senator Gray. Did that committee report?

Mr. McCandless. The report was that there was no information; that he was entirely noncommittal.

Senator Gray. Who said that?

Mr. McCandless. Mr. Thurston, I believe.

Senator Gray. But said he would protect life and property?

Mr. McCandless. Yes.

Senator Gray. He did not say he was noncommittal?

Mr. McCandless. Well, he was noncommittal as to contending forces; but would protect life and property.

Senator Gray. Was anything said by them that conveyed the idea to you that Mr. Stevens was hostile or indifferent to the movement ot the committee of safety, or was without sympathy for it?

Mr. McCandless. I think not.

Senator Gray. Anything at all?

Mr. McCandless. I think we felt this way, that without any encouragement from him we certainly had the sympathy of the American minister.

Senator Gray. That was the general feeling, was it not?


Mr. McCandless. Yes.

Senator Frye. A committee was sent to Minister Stevens to request him not to land the troops then?

Mr. McCandless. Yes; we did not feel certain that night, and thought we would get our strength better in a day or two.

Senator Gray. That the landing of the troops might bring on a crisis?

Mr. McCandless. Yes.

Senator Gray. If you were not as well prepared as you thought you would be later?

Mr. McCandless. No, sir.

The Chairman. Was there a request sent to Mr. Stevens not to land the troops?

Mr. McCandless. Yes.

The Chairman. Who composed that committee?

Mr. McCandless. Mr. Thurston and W. O. Smith.

The Chairman. Did they report to the committee of safety?

Mr. McCandless. They did.

The Chairman. What was the report?

Mr. McCandless. The report was that Mr. Stevens said, owing to the unsettled state of affairs he was going to land troops.

Senator Frye. He would not change his purpose?

Mr. McCandless. No.

Senator Gray. You had previously asked Mr. Stevens to request the landing of the troops?

Mr. McCandless. Yes.

The Chairman. Had any troops landed at the time he announced his intention to have them landed notwithstanding your request?

Mr. McCandless. No.

The Chairman. What time Monday afternoon was that?

Mr. McCandless. At the time of the meeting?

The Chairman. No; the time you got this report?

Mr. McCandless. Probably a quarter to 5, from half-past 4 to quarter of 5.

The Chairman. How long after this report was made of Mr. Stevens's refusal to prevent the landing of the troops before they were actually landed?

Mr. McCandless. I do not think it was over a half hour, perhaps three-quarters.

The Chairman. They must have been on their way to the shore at that time?

Mr. McCandless. I presume they were. I did not know.

The Chairman. Did the committee of safety, acting under the resolutions of which you have spoken, prepare any programme for the organization of the civil government?

Mr. McCandless. Yes. We began that. That was discussed hurriedly Saturday evening. It was more in detail on Sunday morning; but by Monday morning we had the plan completed.

The Chairman. Projected?

Mr. McCandless. Yes.

The Chairman. After you got the indorsement of the mass meeting you proceeded to execute the programme which you had already agreed upon?

Mr. McCandless. Yes.

Senator Gray. Were you at the meeting at Mr. Castle's on Sunday morning?