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may be proposed in the legislative assembly, and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members thereof, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on its journal, with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and referred to the next Legislature; which proposed amendment or amendments shall be published for three months, previous to the next election of representatives; and if in the next Legislature such proposed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by two-thirds of all the members of the legislative assembly, and be approved by the King, such amendment or amendments shall become part of the constitution of this country.

" 'Kamehameha R.' "

(Pp. 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33.)

Joint resolution of the Hawaiian Legislature of 1856.

" 'Resolved, That whereas it is desirable to codify our existing laws, His Royal Highness Prince Kamehameha, the honorable W. L. Lee, chief justice, and the honorable George M. Robertson, associate judge of the supreme court, are appointed a committee to prepare a complete civil code, adding notes with reference to important decisions of court under the laws, wherever they may think necessary, and to report the same for the sanction of the Legislature of 1858, with an appropriate index for facility of reference' " (p. 39).

Comment on legislative provision for publication of Hawaiian law reports.

" 'It may not be inappropriate in this connection to state that so highly esteemed are some of the dicta of our Hawaiian courts abroad that their decisions have in more than one instance been quoted in some of the higher courts of the United States. This is no small honor to be attained by a nation which, one generation only ago, had no law but the "word of the chief' " (p. 40).

XX. List showing that a very small proportion of the officers in charge of the conduct of the government were native hawaiians, the larger proportion being americans.

"The court, Government officers, etc.

" The court.—His Majesty Kamehameha V, born December 11, 1830. Ascended the throne November 30, 1803. Son of Kinau and grandson of Kamehameha I.

"Her Majesty Queen Dowager Kalama, relict of His Majesty Kauikeaouli, Kamehameha III.

"Her Majesty Queen Dowager Emma, relict of His Majesty Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha IV.

" Privy council of state.—His Majesty the King. Their excellencies the ministers; the governors of Oahu, Kauai, and Maui. Her excellency the governess of Hawaii. His honor the chancellor of the Kingdom. "H. A. Kahanu, S. N. Castle, R. G. Davis, A. Fornander, C. Kauaina, C. R. Bishop, P. Y. Kaeo, P. S. Kalama, W. Hillebrand, W. C. Lunalilo, T. S. Staley, J. W. Makalena, W. P. Kamakau, G. Rhodes, J. Mott Smith, T. C. Heuck; secretary, D. Kalakaua.

" The cabinet.—His Majesty the King; minister of foreign relations, his excellency C. de Varigny; minister of the interior, his excellency


F. W. Hutchison; minister of finance, his excellency C. C. Harris; attorney-general, Hon. S. H. Phillips.

" Bureau of public instruction.—President, Hon. W. P. Kamakau; members, C. C. Harris, C. de Varigny, F. W. Hutchison, and Bishop Staley; inspector-general of schools, A. Fornander; secretary, W. J. Smith.

" Bureau immigration.—President, minister of the interior; members, C. R. Bishop, C. C. Harris, D. Kalakaua, W. Hillebrand.

" Supreme court.—Chief justice, E. H. Allen; first associate justice, Hon. A. S. Hartwell; second associate justice, Hon. H. A. Widemann; clerk, L. McCully, esq.; assistant clerk, W. Humphreys, esq.

" Circuit judges.—First circuit, Oahu, Hon. W. P. Kamakau; second circuit, Maui, Hon. A. J. Lawrence; third circuit, Hawaii, Hons. D. K. Naiapaakai, C. F. Hart, and R. A. Lyman; fourth circuit, Kauai, Hon. D. McBryde.

" Board of health.—President, minister of the interior; members, W. Hillebrand, M. D.; Godfrey Rhodes, W. P. Kamakau, T. C. Heuck; port physician, A. C. Buffum.

" Government officers.—Jailer, Oahu prison, Capt. J. H. Brown; collector-general of customs, W. F. Allen, esq.; postmaster-general, A. P. Brickwood, esq.; registrar of conveyances, Thomas Brown, esq.; superintendent waterworks, Capt. Thomas Long; superintendent public works, Robert Sterling, esq.; harbor master of Honolulu, Capt. John Meek; pilots in Honolulu, Capts. A. Mclntyre and C. S. Chadwick" (p. 75).

XXI. And the following statement of admiral belknap, from the boston herald of january 31, 1893.

To the Editor of the Herald:

The revolution in the Hawaiian Islands, resulting in the deposition of the Queen and the establishment of a provisional government, is an event not unexpected to diplomatic, naval, and consular officers who have had any acquaintance or familiarity with the course of affairs in that island Kingdom for the past twenty years.

To the people of the United States the present situation is of momentous interest and of vital importance. Indeed, it would seem that nature had established that group to be ultimately occupied as an outpost, as it were, of the great Republic on its western border, and that the time had now come for the fulfillment of such design.

A glance at a chart of the Pacific will indicate to the most casual observer the great importance and inestimable value of those islands as a strategic point and commercial center. Situated in mid-north Pacific, the group looks out on every hand toward grand opportunities of trade, political aggrandizement, and polyglot intercourse.

To the north and northwest it beckons to the teeming populations of China, Japan, Korea, and Russian coast of Asia; to the north and northeast it calls to Alaska and British Columbia; to the east it bows to the imperial domain of the western United States, holding out its confiding hands for closer clasp and more binding tie; to the southeast it nods to Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, and Chile; to the south aud southwest it salutes the growing influence and tropic opportunities of Australia, New Zealand, and the numerous island groups constituting Polynesia.

Its chief commercial point, Honolulu, is already a port of call for our lines of steamships to Japan and Polynesia, and for the British lines

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