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The CHAIRMAN. Then there was no danger of a collision that you could see?

Mr. COFFMAN. None, except that they had taken place there before.

The CHAIRMAN. You mean on former occasions, several years before?

Mr. COFFMAN. Yes; several years before.

The CHAIRMAN. The Government building was not a fortified place, was it?


The CHAIRMAN. Was it constructed of wood or brick?

Mr. COFFMAN. I think it is coral, and perhaps brick; not wood.

Senator FRYE. What is the color of the coral?

Mr. COFFMAN. Light color; gray color.

Senator FRYE. Does it harden?


Senator GRAY. After you left Arion Hall was anything done for your comfort—after you went into Camp Boston?


Senator GRAY. When did you go into Camp Boston?

Mr. COFFMAN. My recollection is that we remained three nights at Arion Hall, the 16th, 17th and 18th, and the forenoon of the 19th. When we went into Camp Boston we were furnished with beds, matresses, mosquito bars, and mosquito netting for the men, all furnished by the Provisional Government, which at that time had taken possession.

Senator GRAY. Did they keep on furnishing you coffee?

Mr. COFFMAN. No; I do not think they did; I think a short time after that we got our own cooking arrangements and cooked our own provisions.

Senator GRAY. How did you get these things; what was the mode?

Mr. COFFMAN. We had a lot of requisition blanks which were furnished to the camp, and the adjutant—of course, I do not refer to provisions, because when we got there we got our ship's cook—would make a requisition upon the commissary of the Provisional Government, Mr. Hall, and if not through him, Mr. McCandless, who was one of the military committee.

Senator GRAY. Did you have sheds?

Mr. COFFMAN. There were wash sheds for the men to wash their clothing, an officers' kitchen built, and bunks afterward. Bunks were put in the guardroom for the men who remained on shore. My recollection is that was afterward.

The CHAIRMAN. You did not decline any of the hospitalities that were offered you?

Mr. COFFMAN. I never heard of it.

The CHAIRMAN. Had the same hospitalities been tendered by the Queen's government would they have been equally acceptable?

Mr. COFFMAN. I think I would have accepted.

The CHAIRMAN. Everything was fish that came to your net?

Mr. COFFMAN. I think so.

Senator FRYE. Are mosquitoes plentiful on the islands?

Mr. COFFMAN. I did not sleep a wink that night.

Senator FRYE. How many months of the year are they troublesome?

Mr. COFFMAN. The whole year round.

Adjourned until Thursday, the 25th instant, at 10 o'clock a. m.


WASHINGTON, D. C, Thursday, January 25, 1894.

The subcommittee met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: The Chairman (Senator MORGAN) and Senators GRAY and FRYE.

Absent: Senators BUTLER and SHERMAN.


The CHAIRMAN. State your age and place of residence?

Mr. STALKER. I am 52 years of age and my residence is Ames, Iowa.

The CHAIRMAN. When did you last visit the Hawaiian Islands?

Mr. STALKER. I arrived in the Hawaiian Islands the 17th of December, 1892.

The CHAIRMAN. When did you come away from there?

Mr. STALKER. I left there the 1st day of February following.

The CHAIRMAN. Had you ever before that visited the Hawaiian Islands?


The CHAIRMAN. What was your purpose in making that visit, generally speaking?

Mr. STALKER. I went simply for a pleasure trip, winter's outing, and to consider the customs of the people.

The CHAIRMAN. What is your profession?

Mr. STALKER. Professor in the Agricultural College of Iowa.

The CHAIRMAN. And it was an interest in your profession that led you to look up the habits and customs of the Hawaiian people?

Mr. STALKER. No; no connection with the college whatever.

The CHAIRMAN. Had you ever been there before?


The CHAIRMAN. What islands did you visit?

Mr. STALKER. Oahu and Hawaii.

The CHAIRMAN. Oahu is the one upon which Honolulu is situated?


The CHAIRMAN. Did you go to Hilo?


The CHAIRMAN. Did you go out into the country?


The CHAIRMAN. Just visited the volcanoes, or make an exploration amongst the people?

Mr. STALKER. I saw comparatively little of the people on the islands. I was there several days and visited the people of Hilo and some of the prominent men of the town, and talked with them.

The CHAIRMAN. Did you make any examination of the homes and farms of the common people of Hawaii while you were out there?

Mr. STALKER. Yes; to rather a limited extent—made a number of short excursions from Honolulu and vicinity to some places more remote.

The CHAIRMAN. What opinion did you form of the native population of Hawaii, as to their docility, disposition to be quiet and good citizens?

Mr. STALKER. My estimation of them is that they are an exceptionally quiet, docile people.

The CHAIRMAN. You would not regard them then as being an aggressive military people, or aggressive in political efforts or ventures ?