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Senator GRAY. Were the Islands in a state of business depression
while you were there, or otherwise?
Senator GRAYWere the Islands in a state of  
Mr.-DELAMATER. Business depression.
business depression while you
Senator GRAY. TO what was that attributed?
were there, or otherwise?
Mr. DELAMATER. TO the MoKinley bill.
Senator GRAY. That that the McKinley bill made sugar free?
Mr.-DELAMATERBusiness depression.
Senator GRAY. And deprived the grower of the advantage that he
Senator GRAY:  To what was that attributed?
had when there was a tax?
Mr. DELAMATER:  To the McKinley bill.
Senator GRAY. And you say that the change in that condition of
things was the principal cause of the business depression?
Senator GRAYThat that the McKinley bill made sugar  
Mr. DELAMATER. Yes; I think so. Of course you know a doctor is
not a business man, usually, and I just got a sort of impression.
Senator GRAY. Were the sugar growers Annexationists, with the
exception of Mr. Spreckles?
Mr. DELAMATER. I judge that before I came away they were. But
Senator GRAYAnd deprived the grower of the  
I got the impression very strongly in my mind that the sugar growers
advantage that he had when
were opposed to it at the start. I did not talk with a great many of
there was a tax?  
them; but I got that impression at the start.
Senator GRAY. What impression did you finally get?
Mr. DELAMATER. My final impression was, that, in common with
others, they were in favor of it.
Senator GRAYAnd you say that the change in that  
condition of things was
the principal cause of the business depression?
Mr. DELAMATERYes; I think so. Of course you know a  
doctor is not a
business man, usually, and I just got a sort of  
Senator GRAYWere the sugar growers Annexationists,  
with the exception of
Mr. Spreckles?  
Mr. DELAMATERI judge that before I came away they  
were. But I got the
impression very strongly in my mind that the sugar  
growers were opposed to
it at the start. I did not talk with a great many of  
them; but I got that
impression at the start.
Senator GRAYWhat impression did you finally get?
Mr. DELAMATERMy final impression was, that, in  
common with others, they
were in favor of it.
Senator FRYE. State your age and occupation.
Mr. DAY. I am 34 years old and a practitioner of medicine.
Senator FRYEState your age and occupation.
Senator FRYE. Where?
Mr. DAY. My residence is Honolulu.
Mr. DAYI am 34 years old and a practitioner of  
Senator FRYE. How long have you been at Honolulu?
Mr. DAY. I located there in the fall of 1887 and have been a resident
ever since that time until last August. I left there for this country at
Senator FRYEWhere?
that time.
Senator FRYE. Were you there at the time Kalakaua was compelled
Mr. DAYMy residence is Honolulu.
to assent to the constitution of 1887?
Mr. DAY. I was in the city at the time, but not a resident.
Senator FRYEHow long have you been at Honolulu?
Senator FRYE. Were yon a witness to what took place then?
Mr. DAY. NO.
Mr. DAYI located there in the fall of 1887 and  
Senator FRYE. Are you acquainted with the people of the islands?
have been a resident ever
Mr. DAY. Yes.
since that time until last August. I left there for  
Senator FRYE. Has your residence been all this time at Honolulu?
this country at that
Mr. DAY. Yes.
Senator FRYE. I will bring you down now to the few weeks preceding
what is known as the last revolution, and you may state what you
Senator FRYEWere you there at the time Kalakaua was  
saw going on, and what you knew in the Legislature and elsewhere.
compelled to assent
Mr. DAY. Politically there was a great deal of interest in the conflict
to the constitution of 1887?
which was going on in the Legislature for some few months before the
revolution of January, 1893. The struggle seemed to be between the
Mr. DAYI was in the city at the time, but not a  
Queen and her supporters and the opposition, to establish a precedent
which would make the sovereign appoint the cabinet from a majority
of the Legislature—that is, by calling a leader of the majority of the
Senator FRYEWere you a witness to what took place  
Legislature, and he select his associates, and she confirm them; the
Queen and her party, on the other hand, attempting to have the appointing
power purely a personal prerogative of her own, ignoring, in
Mr. DAY:  No.  
other words, the majority of the Legislature and selecting whom she
Senator FRYEAre you acquainted with the people of  
chose for the cabinet. The fight was a long and bitter one until, I
the islands?
think it was, in November, when she yielded to the opposition so far
as to call a member of the opposition Mr. G. N. Wilcox to form her
Mr. DAYYes.  
cabinet—known as the Wilcox cabinet. That cabinet was formed by
the Legislature and was composed of Mr. Wilcox, Mr. P. G. Jones, Mr.
Senator FRYEHas your residence been all this time  
Mark Robinson, and Cecil Brown, and practically, for the first time since
at Honolulu?
the Legislature had convened some months before, they got down to a
working basis and things went along smoothly until two or three days
Mr. DAYYes.  
before the close of the Legislature, when the country was taken by
surprise to find that the Wilcox cabinet had been put out by vote of
Senator FRYEI will bring you down now to the few  
want of confidence, and the appointment by the Queen of a cabinet on
weeks preceding what is
her old plan of simply personal authority. That cabinet was composed
known as the last revolution, and you may state what  
of Samuel Parker, W. H. Cornwell, J. F. Oolburn, and A. P. Peterson,
you saw going on, and
if 1 remember rightly.
what you knew in the Legislature and elsewhere.
That cabinet did not possess the confidence of the business community,
and they were consequently disappointed at the selection. The
Mr. DAYPolitically there was a great deal of  
following day, I think, the Legislature passed what was known as the
interest in the conflict
lottery bill, legalizing the establishment of a lottery in Honolulu—a
which was going on in the Legislature for some few  
bill that had been brought before the Legislature in the earlier months
months before the
of the session and had aroused a good deal of public opposition. The
revolution of January, 1893. The struggle seemed to be  
opposition was so strong that it was, for a time, at least, withdrawn or
between the Queen and
laid aside, and the community supposed for good. But it was rushed
her supporters and the opposition, to establish a  
through the third reading and the Queen signed the bill, making it law,
precedent which would make
during the last days of the Legislature; I do not remember the exact
the sovereign appoint the cabinet from a majority of
date. The opium bill was passed in very much the same way, licensing
the Legislature---- that
the sale of opium. It is needless to say that the community was
is, by calling a leader of the majority of the  
aroused'almost to the point of desperation, certainly of the deepest
Legislature, and he select
indignation, over these rapidly succeeding acts of the Queen and her
his associates, and she confirm them; the Queen and  
her party, on the other
On Saturday, the 14th of January, the Legislature was prorogued in
hand, attempting to have the appointing power purely a  
the usual form, and immediately after that the Queen attempted to
personal prerogative
promulgate—or rather attempted to overthrow the existing constitution
of her own, ignoring, in
and promulgate a new one which made certain radical changes in
the form of the Government.
Senator FRYE. When the Jones-Wilcox cabinet was formed and the
lottery and opium bills had been defeated, before the Boston left the
other words, the majority of the Legislature and  
harbor on the trip down to Hilo, had everything settled down to quiet?
selecting whom she chose
Mr. DAY. Everything was supposed to be settled when the Wilcox
for the cabinet. The fight was a long and bitter one  
cabinet went into office and the machinery of Government was going on
until, I think it was,
for the two months that they held oiilice. Their dismissal, I think, on
in November, when she yielded to the opposition so far  
a vote of want of confidence was a complete surprise to the community.
as to call a member
Senator FRYE. SO that there was no expectation of any difficulty at
of the opposition Mr. G. N. Wilcox to form her  
the time the Boston left the harbor and went down to Hilo?
cabinet---- known as the Wilcox
Mr. DAY. None whatever.
cabinet. That cabinet was formed by the Legislature  
Senator FRYE. That was supposed to be settled for the next eighteen
and was composed of Mr.
months—during the life of the Legislature?
Wilcox, Mr. P.C. Jones, Mr. Mark Robinson, and Cecil  
Mr. DAY. Yes.
Brown, and
Senator FRYE. When the Boston left and there took place what you
practically, for the first time since the Legislature  
were going to state—the Queen attempted to form a new constitution?
had convened some
Mr. DAY. The newsof that attempt spread through thecommunity with
months before, they got down to a working basis and  
great rapidity, and business men, property holders, professional men
things went along
of the community, all felt that it meant a crisis in the country's history.
smoothly until two or three days before the close of  
The feeling was so intense that it was a spontaneous sentiment that
the Legislature, when
something radical would have to be done. In a hurried way a number
the country was taken by surprise to find that the  
of business and professional men met at a central location in the city
Wilcox cabinet had been
put out by vote of want of confidence, and the  
appointment by the Queen of a
cabinet on her old plan of simply personal authority.
That cabinet was
composed of Samuel Parker, W. H. Cornwell, J. F. Colburn, and A. P.
Peterson, if I remember rightly. That cabinet did not  
possess the
confidence of the business community, and they were  
disappointed at the selection. The following day, I  
think, the Legislature
passed what was known as the lottery bill, legalizing  
the establishment of a
lottery in Honolulu---- a bill that had been brought  
before the Legislature in
the earlier months of the session and had aroused a  
good deal of public
opposition. The opposition was so strong that it was,  
for a time, at least,
withdrawn or laid aside, and the community supposed  
for good. But it was
rushed through the third reading and the Queen signed  
the bill, making it
law, during the last days of the Legislature; I do not  
remember the exact
date. The opium bill was passed in very much the same  
way, licensing the
sale of opium. It is needless to say that the  
community was aroused almost                    
to the point of desperation, certainly of the deepest  
indignation, over
these rapidly succeeding acts of the Queen and her  
party. On Saturday, the
14th of January, the Legislature was prorogued in the
usual form, and
immediately after that the Queen attempted to  
promulgate---- or rather attempted
to overthrow the existing constitution and promulgate  
a new one which made
certain radical changes in the form of the Government.
Senator FRYEWhen the Jones-Wilcox cabinet was  
formed and the lottery and
opium bills had been defeated, before the Boston left  
the harbor on the trip
down to Hilo, had everything settled down to quiet?
Mr. DAYEverything was supposed to be settled when  
the Wilcox cabinet went
into office and the machinery of Government was going  
on for the two months
that they held office. Their dismissal, I think, on a
vote of want of
confidence was a complete surprise to the community.
Senator FRYE:  So that there was no expectation of any  
difficulty at the
time the ''Boston'' left the harbor and went down to Hilo?
Mr. DAYNone whatever.
Senator FRYEThat was supposed to be settled for the  
next eighteen
months?during the life of the Legislature?
Mr. DAY: Yes.  
Senator FRYEWhen the ''Boston'' left and there took  
place what you were going
to state---- the Queen attempted to form a new  
Mr. DAYThe news of that attempt spread through the
community with great
rapidity, and business men, property holders,  
professional men of the
community, all felt that it meant a crisis in the  
country's history. The
feeling was so intense that it was a spontaneous  
sentiment that something
radical would have to be done. In a hurried way a  
number of business and
professional men met at a central location in the city

Revision as of 17:04, 29 January 2006


Senator GRAY: Were the Islands in a state of business depression while you were there, or otherwise?

Mr.-DELAMATER: Business depression.

Senator GRAY: To what was that attributed?

Mr. DELAMATER: To the McKinley bill.

Senator GRAY: That that the McKinley bill made sugar free?


Senator GRAY: And deprived the grower of the advantage that he had when there was a tax?


Senator GRAY: And you say that the change in that condition of things was the principal cause of the business depression?

Mr. DELAMATER: Yes; I think so. Of course you know a doctor is not a business man, usually, and I just got a sort of impression.

Senator GRAY: Were the sugar growers Annexationists, with the exception of Mr. Spreckles?

Mr. DELAMATER: I judge that before I came away they were. But I got the impression very strongly in my mind that the sugar growers were opposed to it at the start. I did not talk with a great many of them; but I got that impression at the start.

Senator GRAY: What impression did you finally get?

Mr. DELAMATER: My final impression was, that, in common with others, they were in favor of it.


Senator FRYE: State your age and occupation.

Mr. DAY: I am 34 years old and a practitioner of medicine.

Senator FRYE: Where?

Mr. DAY: My residence is Honolulu.

Senator FRYE: How long have you been at Honolulu?

Mr. DAY: I located there in the fall of 1887 and have been a resident ever since that time until last August. I left there for this country at that time.

Senator FRYE: Were you there at the time Kalakaua was compelled to assent to the constitution of 1887?

Mr. DAY: I was in the city at the time, but not a resident.

Senator FRYE: Were you a witness to what took place then?

Mr. DAY: No.

Senator FRYE: Are you acquainted with the people of the islands?

Mr. DAY: Yes.

Senator FRYE: Has your residence been all this time at Honolulu?

Mr. DAY: Yes.

Senator FRYE: I will bring you down now to the few weeks preceding what is known as the last revolution, and you may state what you saw going on, and what you knew in the Legislature and elsewhere.

Mr. DAY: Politically there was a great deal of interest in the conflict which was going on in the Legislature for some few months before the revolution of January, 1893. The struggle seemed to be between the Queen and her supporters and the opposition, to establish a precedent which would make the sovereign appoint the cabinet from a majority of the Legislature---- that is, by calling a leader of the majority of the Legislature, and he select his associates, and she confirm them; the Queen and her party, on the other hand, attempting to have the appointing power purely a personal prerogative of her own, ignoring, in


other words, the majority of the Legislature and selecting whom she chose for the cabinet. The fight was a long and bitter one until, I think it was, in November, when she yielded to the opposition so far as to call a member of the opposition Mr. G. N. Wilcox to form her cabinet---- known as the Wilcox cabinet. That cabinet was formed by the Legislature and was composed of Mr. Wilcox, Mr. P.C. Jones, Mr. Mark Robinson, and Cecil Brown, and practically, for the first time since the Legislature had convened some months before, they got down to a working basis and things went along smoothly until two or three days before the close of the Legislature, when the country was taken by surprise to find that the Wilcox cabinet had been put out by vote of want of confidence, and the appointment by the Queen of a cabinet on her old plan of simply personal authority. That cabinet was composed of Samuel Parker, W. H. Cornwell, J. F. Colburn, and A. P. Peterson, if I remember rightly. That cabinet did not possess the confidence of the business community, and they were consequently disappointed at the selection. The following day, I think, the Legislature passed what was known as the lottery bill, legalizing the establishment of a lottery in Honolulu---- a bill that had been brought before the Legislature in the earlier months of the session and had aroused a good deal of public opposition. The opposition was so strong that it was, for a time, at least, withdrawn or laid aside, and the community supposed for good. But it was rushed through the third reading and the Queen signed the bill, making it law, during the last days of the Legislature; I do not remember the exact date. The opium bill was passed in very much the same way, licensing the sale of opium. It is needless to say that the community was aroused almost to the point of desperation, certainly of the deepest indignation, over these rapidly succeeding acts of the Queen and her party. On Saturday, the 14th of January, the Legislature was prorogued in the usual form, and immediately after that the Queen attempted to promulgate---- or rather attempted to overthrow the existing constitution and promulgate a new one which made certain radical changes in the form of the Government.

Senator FRYE: When the Jones-Wilcox cabinet was formed and the lottery and opium bills had been defeated, before the Boston left the harbor on the trip down to Hilo, had everything settled down to quiet?

Mr. DAY: Everything was supposed to be settled when the Wilcox cabinet went into office and the machinery of Government was going on for the two months that they held office. Their dismissal, I think, on a vote of want of confidence was a complete surprise to the community.

Senator FRYE: So that there was no expectation of any difficulty at the time the Boston left the harbor and went down to Hilo?

Mr. DAY: None whatever.

Senator FRYE: That was supposed to be settled for the next eighteen months?during the life of the Legislature?

Mr. DAY: Yes.

Senator FRYE: When the Boston left and there took place what you were going to state---- the Queen attempted to form a new constitution?

Mr. DAY: The news of that attempt spread through the community with great rapidity, and business men, property holders, professional men of the community, all felt that it meant a crisis in the country's history. The feeling was so intense that it was a spontaneous sentiment that something radical would have to be done. In a hurried way a number of business and professional men met at a central location in the city