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wished me to let him know what I did. He said nothing further to
me about it, but went to the Queen and did as he stated in his
wished me to let him know what I did. He said nothing  
report. I have no doubt whatever that if Mr. Blount had not prevented,
further to me about
and secondarily Mr. Olaus Speckels, the agent for the sugar trust, that
it, but went to the Queen and did as he stated in his  
plan would have been carried out. I have no doubt of it in my own
report. I have no
doubt whatever that if Mr. Blount had not prevented,  
Mr. Blount specifies that I was there to facilitate annexation, and
and secondarily Mr.
all the way through his statement regarding me asserts, or rather intimates,
Claus Speckels, the agent for the sugar trust, that  
that I was conducting an annexation propaganda. That was a
plan would have been
mistake entirely; I was not justified in doing anything of the kind. In
carried out. I have no doubt of it in my own mind.
the first kind, it would have been contrary to the policy of my paper,
a tiling which no one attached to the paper would feel at liberty to do;
Mr. Blount specifies that I was there to  
and, in the second place, my own mind was not clear on the subject.
facilitate annexation, and
While sentimentally clear there were practical objections which I
all the way through his statement regarding me  
thought I saw. I had no purpose or interest in doing anything to
asserts, or rather intimates,
bring about annexation.
that I was conducting an annexation propaganda. That  
The CHAIRMAN. Was this before Mr. Neuman had been to the United
was a mistake
entirely; I was not justified in doing anything of the  
Mr. BOWES. I had been with him and the commission. This was
kind. In the first
before the treaty. All my associates were royalists; at the islands I
kind, it would have been contrary to the policy of my  
received more attention from the royalists than from members of the
paper, a thing which
Provisional Government. These dinners and my predelictions against
no one attached to the paper would feel at liberty to  
annexation would have been naturally that way if I had been going
do; and, in the second
for merely personal interest.
place, my own mind was not clear on the subject.
The CHAIRMAN. Have you seen the contents of the power of attorney
While sentimentally clear
held by Mr. Neuinan?
there were practical objections which I thought I saw.  
Mr. BOWEN. Yes, I have read it as published in Mr. Blount's report.
I had no purpose
If Mr. Blount had given me one hint that he regarded it as an impolitic
or interest in doing anything to bring about  
course, that it was embarrassing to him, I would have dropped it.
But he said nothing whatever, he simply listened at the first interview,
and after that said he would let me know. The next day I reported
The CHAIRMAN.   Was this before Mr. Neuman had been to  
progress to him, and he did not ask me not to tell him anything more
the United States.
about it. In the meantime he had been to the Queen, to Mr. Dole, and
had done what he could to prevent the carrying out of the plan. Mr.
Mr. BOWEN.   I had been with him and the commission.
Neuman had an interview with the Queen. She told him that she
This was before the
would do nothing more in the matter, and asked him to give back her
treaty. All my associates were royalists; at the  
power of attorney, and he tore it up in her presence. This was the
islands I received more
22d, that he tore up his power of attorney.
attention from the royalists than from members of the  
There is another matter to which I wish to call attention. Mr.
Blount intimates, without specifically charging, that I represented
Government. These dinners and my predilections
myself and Mr. Sewall represented himself as acting for the Government
against annexation would
here and that I represented myself to be a friend of the President.
have been naturally that way if I had been going for
I did not go to anyone whatever and represent myself in
merely personal
any official capacity. Everybody knew that I was a journalist. A
reporter called on me and he told everyone who I was. I informed a
number of people that I had no official position there whatever. The
The CHAIRMAN.   Have you seen the contents of the  
first one was Mr. Wodehouse, the British minister. He asked me,
power of attorney held by
and I informed him that I had no official position there. I informed
Mr. Neuman?  
the President of the Provisional Government and many others, including
Mr. Hastings, who is here in Washington, formerly one of the
Mr. BOWEN.   Yes, I have read it as published in Mr.  
Hawaiian legation. Honolulu is a hotbed of rumors. It is an isolated
Blount's report. If
community. Really a little New England village is not to be compared
Mr. Blount had given me one hint that he regarded it  
with Honolulu, especially during these troubled times. Everyone
as an impolitic course,
was suspected of a motive, and there were all manner of rumors afloat
that it was embarrassing to him, I would have dropped  
regarding everybody. There was a rumor every day in regard to Mr.
it. But he said
Blount and his actions, and this mysterious article appeared in the
nothing whatever, he simply listened at the first  
interview, and after that
San Francisco Chronicle after I left there. That caused a good deal
said he would let me know. The next day I reported  
of gossip regarding my visit and that of Mr. Sewall.
progress to him, and he
Senator GRAY. Feeling is pretty high there between the parties'?
did not ask me not to tell him anything more about it.  
Mr. BOWEN. Very bitter. Mr. Blount said I represented myself as a
In the meantime he
friend of the President. On a number of occasions I said I had the
had been to the Queen, to Mr. Dole, and had done what  
honor of Mr. Cleveland's acquaintance, and I was his friend. I was
he could to prevent
justified in doing so, because I took a very active part during his campaign.
the carrying out of the plan. Mr. Neuman had an  
I furnished a good deal of political matter for the World, and
interview with the Queen.
it is conceded that the World did its share in supporting party politics.
She told him that she would do nothing more in the  
I acted for my paper according to its policy. I saw a good deal
matter, and asked him to
of Mr. Cleveland at the time of his nomination. Mr. Cleveland gave
give back her power of attorney, and he tore it up in  
me a statement to print in the World, which was unique in its line. It
her presence. This
was the day after his election. He indorsed the World and its course
was the 22d, that he tore up his power of attorney.
during the campaign and extended his thanks for it. No other paper
had anything of the kind. That Mr. Cleveland gave to me. I was at
There is another matter to which I wish to call  
Buzzard's Bay some time, and he showed me a good deal of favor. I
attention. Mr. Blount
performed a good many small services for him.
intimates, without specifically charging, that I  
Senator GRAY. When you said that you were President Cleveland's
represented myself and Mr.
friend you meant in a personal way; not that you were representing
Sewall represented himself as acting for the  
Government here and that I
Mr. BOWEN. Not by any means. I said that I wras his friend and
represented myself to be a friend of the President. I
represented it that way. I am not a partisan at all. I felt very kindly
did not go to anyone
toward the President, and as the World was very friendly toward him
whatever and represent myself in any official  
I was justified in saying what I did. I did not make any boasts of
capacity. Everybody knew that
that; but in conversation in the islands I spoke of the fact that I was
I was a journalist. A reporter called on me and he  
the President's friend.
told everyone who I was.
Senator FRYE. While you were there did Mr. Sewall take any part
I informed a number of people that I had no official  
in the affair of representing himself as having anything to do in the
position there
whatever. The first one was Mr. Wodehouse, the  
Mr. BOWEN. Mr. Blount's allegations against Mr. Sewall are absolutely
British minister. He asked
false. We lived together in the grounds of the Hawaiian Hotel
me, and I informed him that I had no official position  
in a cottage. I did not take Mr. Sewall in my confidence in this matter;
there. I informed the
the affair was practically arranged before I hinted to him that it
President of the Provisional Government and many  
was going on. Mr. Sewall was a high-minded young man; he was
others, including Mr.
devoting himself entirely to society; and without any motive I did not
Hastings, who is here in Washington, formerly one of  
take him into my confidence. Mr. Sewall knew nothing whatever
the Hawaiian legation.
about this matter. The allegation against him was made of whole
Honolulu is a hotbed of rumors. It is an isolated  
cloth, and there is no justification whatever for it. Mr. Blount's suspicions
community. Really a
led him to make accusations that were not true.
little New England village is not to be compared with
Senator GRAY. Mr. Sewall's name was coupled with yours in that
Honolulu, especially
article in the San Francisco paper, was it not?
during these troubled times. Everyone was suspected  
Mr. BOWEN. Yes. Undoubtedly he was the cause of the whole
of a motive, and there
matter. The fact that he had been consul at Samoa was ground for
were all manner of rumors afloat regarding everybody.
the suspicion that we were out on a mission. Mr. Sewall had said
There was a rumor
nothing to anybody; he informed no one, and he certainly took no
every day in regard to Mr. Blount and his actions, and  
part in it.
this mysterious
There is another allegation made there which I think is without
article appeared in the
foundation. He speaks of Mr. Neuuian as being a plausible but very
unscrupulous person.
Senator GRAY. Mr. Blount says that is the impression he gathered.
I think he modified that in another dispatch.
San Francisco Chronicle after I left there. That  
Mr. BOWEN. I did not know of that.
caused a good deal of
Senator GRAY. Mr. Blount in an early dispatch, in giving information
gossip regarding my visit and that of Mr. Sewall.
that he thought proper to give to the State Department, spoke of
Mr. Neuman, and said, from what he could gather, he was plausible
Senator GRAY.   Feeling is pretty high there between  
but unscrupulous; but in another dispatch, after he had gathered
the parties?
Mr. BOWEN.   Very bitter. Mr. Blount said I  
represented myself as a friend
of the President. On a number of occasions I said I  
had the honor of Mr.
Cleveland's acquaintance, and I was his friend. I was  
justified in doing
so, because I took a very active part during his  
campaign. I furnished a
good deal of political matter for the World, and it is  
conceded that the
World did its share in supporting party politics. I
acted for my paper
according to its policy. I saw a good deal of Mr.  
Cleveland at the time of
his nomination. Mr. Cleveland gave me a statement to  
print in the World,
which was unique in its line. It was the day after  
his election. He
endorsed the World and its course during the campaign  
and extended his
thanks for it. No other paper had anything of the  
kind. That Mr. Cleveland
gave to me. I was at Buzzard's Bay some time, and he  
showed me a good deal
of favor. I performed a good many small services for  
Senator GRAY.   When you said that you were President  
Cleveland's friend you
meant in a personal way; not that you were  
representing him?
Mr. BOWEN.   Not by any means. I said that I was his  
friend and represented
it that way. I am not a partisan at all. I felt very  
kindly toward the
President, and as the World was very friendly toward  
him I was justified in
saying what I did.   I did not make any boasts of  
that; but in conversation
in the islands I spoke of the fact that I was the
President's friend.
Senator FRYE.   While you were there did Mr. Sewall  
take any part in the
affair of representing himself as having anything to  
do in the matter?
Mr. BOWEN.   Mr. Blount's allegations against Mr.  
Sewall are absolutely
false. We lived together in the grounds of the  
Hawaiian Hotel in a cottage.
I did not take Mr. Sewall in my confidence in this  
matter; the affair was
practically arranged before I hinted to him that it  
was going on. Mr.
Sewall was a high-minded young man; he was devoting
himself entirely to
society; and without any motive I did not take him  
into my confidence. Mr.
Sewall knew nothing whatever about this matter. The  
allegation against him
was made of whole cloth, and there is no justification  
whatever for it. Mr.
Blount's suspicions led him to make accusations that  
were not true.
Senator GRAY.   Mr. Sewall's name was coupled with  
yours in that article in
the San Francisco paper, was it not?
Mr. BOWEN.   Yes. Undoubtedly he was the cause of the  
whole matter. The
fact that he had been consul at Samoa was ground for  
the suspicion that we
were out on a mission.   Mr. Sewall had said nothing
to anybody; he informed
no one, and he certainly took no part in it. There is  
another allegation
made there which I think is without foundation.   He  
speaks of Mr. Neuman as
being a plausible but very unscrupulous person.
Senator GRAY.   Mr. Blount says that is the impression  
he gathered. I think
he modified that in another dispatch.
Mr. BOWEN.   I did not know of that.
Senator GRAY.   Mr. Blount in an early dispatch, in  
giving information that
he thought proper to give to the State Department,  
spoke of Mr. Neuman, and
said, from what he could gather, he was plausible but
unscrupulous; but in
another dispatch, after he had gathered

Revision as of 15:15, 4 February 2006


wished me to let him know what I did. He said nothing further to me about it, but went to the Queen and did as he stated in his report. I have no doubt whatever that if Mr. Blount had not prevented, and secondarily Mr. Claus Speckels, the agent for the sugar trust, that plan would have been carried out. I have no doubt of it in my own mind.

Mr. Blount specifies that I was there to facilitate annexation, and all the way through his statement regarding me asserts, or rather intimates, that I was conducting an annexation propaganda. That was a mistake entirely; I was not justified in doing anything of the kind. In the first kind, it would have been contrary to the policy of my paper, a thing which no one attached to the paper would feel at liberty to do; and, in the second place, my own mind was not clear on the subject. While sentimentally clear there were practical objections which I thought I saw. I had no purpose or interest in doing anything to bring about annexation.

The CHAIRMAN. Was this before Mr. Neuman had been to the United States.

Mr. BOWEN. I had been with him and the commission. This was before the treaty. All my associates were royalists; at the islands I received more attention from the royalists than from members of the Provisional Government. These dinners and my predilections against annexation would have been naturally that way if I had been going for merely personal interest.

The CHAIRMAN. Have you seen the contents of the power of attorney held by Mr. Neuman?

Mr. BOWEN. Yes, I have read it as published in Mr. Blount's report. If Mr. Blount had given me one hint that he regarded it as an impolitic course, that it was embarrassing to him, I would have dropped it. But he said nothing whatever, he simply listened at the first interview, and after that said he would let me know. The next day I reported progress to him, and he did not ask me not to tell him anything more about it. In the meantime he had been to the Queen, to Mr. Dole, and had done what he could to prevent the carrying out of the plan. Mr. Neuman had an interview with the Queen. She told him that she would do nothing more in the matter, and asked him to give back her power of attorney, and he tore it up in her presence. This was the 22d, that he tore up his power of attorney.

There is another matter to which I wish to call attention. Mr. Blount intimates, without specifically charging, that I represented myself and Mr. Sewall represented himself as acting for the Government here and that I represented myself to be a friend of the President. I did not go to anyone whatever and represent myself in any official capacity. Everybody knew that I was a journalist. A reporter called on me and he told everyone who I was. I informed a number of people that I had no official position there whatever. The first one was Mr. Wodehouse, the British minister. He asked me, and I informed him that I had no official position there. I informed the President of the Provisional Government and many others, including Mr. Hastings, who is here in Washington, formerly one of the Hawaiian legation. Honolulu is a hotbed of rumors. It is an isolated community. Really a little New England village is not to be compared with Honolulu, especially during these troubled times. Everyone was suspected of a motive, and there were all manner of rumors afloat regarding everybody. There was a rumor every day in regard to Mr. Blount and his actions, and this mysterious article appeared in the


San Francisco Chronicle after I left there. That caused a good deal of gossip regarding my visit and that of Mr. Sewall.

Senator GRAY. Feeling is pretty high there between the parties?

Mr. BOWEN. Very bitter. Mr. Blount said I represented myself as a friend of the President. On a number of occasions I said I had the honor of Mr. Cleveland's acquaintance, and I was his friend. I was justified in doing so, because I took a very active part during his campaign. I furnished a good deal of political matter for the World, and it is conceded that the World did its share in supporting party politics. I acted for my paper according to its policy. I saw a good deal of Mr. Cleveland at the time of his nomination. Mr. Cleveland gave me a statement to print in the World, which was unique in its line. It was the day after his election. He endorsed the World and its course during the campaign and extended his thanks for it. No other paper had anything of the kind. That Mr. Cleveland gave to me. I was at Buzzard's Bay some time, and he showed me a good deal of favor. I performed a good many small services for him.

Senator GRAY. When you said that you were President Cleveland's friend you meant in a personal way; not that you were representing him?

Mr. BOWEN. Not by any means. I said that I was his friend and represented it that way. I am not a partisan at all. I felt very kindly toward the President, and as the World was very friendly toward him I was justified in saying what I did. I did not make any boasts of that; but in conversation in the islands I spoke of the fact that I was the President's friend.

Senator FRYE. While you were there did Mr. Sewall take any part in the affair of representing himself as having anything to do in the matter?

Mr. BOWEN. Mr. Blount's allegations against Mr. Sewall are absolutely false. We lived together in the grounds of the Hawaiian Hotel in a cottage. I did not take Mr. Sewall in my confidence in this matter; the affair was practically arranged before I hinted to him that it was going on. Mr. Sewall was a high-minded young man; he was devoting himself entirely to society; and without any motive I did not take him into my confidence. Mr. Sewall knew nothing whatever about this matter. The allegation against him was made of whole cloth, and there is no justification whatever for it. Mr. Blount's suspicions led him to make accusations that were not true.

Senator GRAY. Mr. Sewall's name was coupled with yours in that article in the San Francisco paper, was it not?

Mr. BOWEN. Yes. Undoubtedly he was the cause of the whole matter. The fact that he had been consul at Samoa was ground for the suspicion that we were out on a mission. Mr. Sewall had said nothing to anybody; he informed no one, and he certainly took no part in it. There is another allegation made there which I think is without foundation. He speaks of Mr. Neuman as being a plausible but very unscrupulous person.

Senator GRAY. Mr. Blount says that is the impression he gathered. I think he modified that in another dispatch.

Mr. BOWEN. I did not know of that.

Senator GRAY. Mr. Blount in an early dispatch, in giving information that he thought proper to give to the State Department, spoke of Mr. Neuman, and said, from what he could gather, he was plausible but unscrupulous; but in another dispatch, after he had gathered