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the paper. The paper I have in mind was in relation to the amount of distribution of the sugar stock—sugar interests of the royalists and annexationists. It occurred to me it was very plainly an unreliable statement, not that he meant to deceive, but he was a man of prejudices.
I did not care to examine him, because I thought that I could get persons whose judgment was better than Dr. Trousseau's. I do not mean to say he was not intelligent and a very fine physician—I knew nothing against him. I must add this qualification: Learning much later on that Trousseau and other persons were with the Queen when she learned of the landing of the troops, I sought from them the effect on her mind and on the minds of those about her. For this purpose I asked Dr. Trousseau to write me his recollections of this matter.
Adjourned to meet on Saturday, the 13th instant, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Washington, D. C, Saturday, January 13, 1894.
The subcommittee met pursuant to adjournment.
Present: The Chairman (Senator Morgan) and Senator Frye.
Absent: Senators Butler, Gray, and Sherman.
The Chairman. Were you attached to the ship Boston in January, 1893?
Mr. Jewell. No.
The Chairman. Where were you when that ship was in Honolulu?
Mr. Jewell. I was here in Washington.
The Chairman. Have you ever visited the Hawaiian Islands?
Mr. Jewell. Yes; I was there twenty years ago, when Kalakaua was elected King.
The Chairman. To what ship were you attached then?
Mr. Jewell. The Tuscarora.
The Chairman. What was your rank and duty on that ship?
Mr. Jewell. My rank in the Navy was lieutenant-commander; I was executive officer of the ship Tuscarora.
Senator Frye. Do you mean that twenty years ago you were lieutenant- commander?
Mr. Jewell. Yes.
The Chairman. How long did the Tuscarora remain at Honolulu then?
Mr. Jewell. She was there six weeks. This is to the best of my recollection.
The Chairman. Did the Tuscarora get there before the election of the King, or after it had occurred?
Mr. Jewell. She arrived there the day before the death of the former King; she was there before the election of Kalakaua.
The Chairman. And during the time?
Mr. Jewell. And during the time.
The Chairman. Did you go on shore after the ship arrived in the harbor?
Mr. Jewell. I was on shore occasionally in Honolulu, but not very
much. The executive officer of a ship is usually pretty well occupied, and I was ashore only once or twice during the time we stayed there.
The Chairman. Did you attend the meeting of the legislative body that elected Kalakaua King?
Mr. Jewell. No, I did not. I was on board the ship at that time.
The Chairman. The contest at that time was between Kalakaua and Queen Emma?
Mr. Jewell. Yes.
The Chairman. Did you ascertain whether the Americans there who claimed Hawaiian denizenship, as well as those who did not, were in favor of Kalakaua or Queen Emma?
Mr. Jewell. It was the general understanding that English influence was supporting Queen Emma and that the Americans were supporting Kalakaua.
The Chairman. That was a marked fact in the situation?
Mr. Jewell. Oh, no question about it.
The Chairman. Did the Americans there, to your knowledge, take any active part in agitations, commotions, or insurrections?
Mr. Jewell. Not at all; no.
The Chairman. They stood aloof?
Mr. Jewell. The riots which occurred during Kalakaua's election were entirely among the natives. There were a number of Americans who were in the Government at that time. The minister of foreign affairs was an American.
The Chairman. Do you recollect his name?
Mr. Jewell. Charles R. Bishop was his name. But I think there was nothing in the nature of inflammatory meetings previous to this election.
The Chairman. Were troops sent on shore from the Tuscarora?
Mr. Jewell. Yes.
The Chairman. Was there any other American ship in the harbor at that time?
Mr. Jewell. Yes, the sloop Portsmouth was there, and men were landed from both ships.
The Chairman. About what number?
Mr. Jewell. I commanded the forces that were landed from the Tuscarora, perhaps 80 men, and perhaps the same number from the Portsmouth.
The Chairman. When you landed did you go armed and equipped for fighting?
Mr. Jewell. Yes.
The Chairman. Did you take rations with you?
Mr. Jewell. No; we did not take rations, but we were in close communication with the ship all the time. As a matter of fact, we did not subsist ourselves on shore.
The Chairman. On whom did you subsist?
Mr. Jewell. The Hawaiian Government.
The Chairman. Did you go ashore on the invitation of the Hawaiian Government?
Mr. Jewell. Yes; as I understand, at the request of the cabinet in the interregnum between the death of Lunalilo and the election of Kalakaua. The Government requested that men be landed if a riot should occur. It was anticipated it would happen because of the one that occurred at the election of the other King the year before. Capt. Belknap, who was in command of the Tuscarora, and who was the senior officer there, made some arrangement with Mr. Pierce, the
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